What’s Perfect To Focus On Right Now:
Right now I’m doing a survey to help get clear for a book I’m writing to help people in moving forward in achieving their dreams . I’m getting great and honest responses to my inquiry. If you’d like to help send me a quick email response; the question is: What is your single greatest frustration when trying to achieve a dream or a goal?
Wherever you are in your life, in your dreams and goals ~ are you happy right now? Are you content? Are you at ease? Or do you feel like there’s never enough? Is there certainly not enough of what you want and need – at this time?

Let’s talk about some ways to alter that experience, and offer a method you can use today and throughout this week to affect a change in your attitude , and for feeling peaceful.

There are two ways of creating and manifesting that I have found and both are important and I feel one must be balanced by the other – those two things are action and release. One is creating forward energy and the other is letting go, which are true compliments in a recipe for success.

Action is accomplishing small and big steps towards making a dream into a reality. Without taking steps there is no energy toward what you want.

Norman Vincent Peale, the author of The Power of Positive Thinking said: "Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all."

I’ve successfully utilized a technique of writing down what I want my end result goal to be and have achieved great outcomes by using the technique. From there I work backwards, as I ask myself so “in order for THAT to be occur, what needs to happen?” I write that answer down and going backwards I again ask myself over and over: “in order for THAT to be occur, what needs to happen?” At the end I will have an entire list of to-do actions, in order, that when executed one step at a time, will create the goals and desired outcome. At the top of the page is my dream or goal and at the bottom of the page is the first step I need to take to get the dream going. Once that step is complete I cross it off and pay attention to the next step, and so on until all is crossed off and I have arrived at the top which is my dream made manifest.

For instance, if my dream is to create a TeleSummit, in order for that to come true I need to have paying customers to attend the telesummit. In order for me to have paying customers I need to advertise and perhaps get affiliates (that’s another step). In order for me to advertise I need social and professional media outlets, contacts (that’s another step). In order for that to happen successfully, I need speakers and people to interview who will attract a large audience people who are well known and offer a lot of new and important wisdom to listeners. In order for that to happen I need a platform for this event that will be attractive to the speakers – i.e., they get more of an audience to know them; the audience will be called to buy their products, It will be a great experience for all. Now in order for that to happen since I’ve never done one of these before I should connect with at least two people (or get introductions to two people) who have successfully completed TeleSummits and find out from them how they conducted the Summit and what worked that they recommend and what did not work that I might avoid? Do you get the idea? On and on I will go until at the very end of this list is the last bullet point, which becomes the #1, first step: Set a date and a theme for the TeleSummit.That’s action - whatever it takes to get yourself where your passion is leading you to go. Your heart knows what you want. Your heart knows why you’re here. You soul can guide you to do this because it’s calling you to do, create, or participate in something that is imperative for you to experience.

Throughout your taking action and steps learn to balance your life with release. This may feel like it’s doing nothing, except that it’s a blissful letting go and there’s much fullness there. One without the other is not compete, therefore we all need to learn the art of having fun and releasing our dream and goal to the higher forces that lovingly surround us so we can CO-create, so we allow them to do their part. It makes it all so much more magical and miraculous, to work as a team with whatever you deem your Higher Power or Source to be.

To that end here are suggestions for releasing and creating appreciation.

Wake up each morning and think of 5 things you appreciate about your life. Before you go to bed, same thing, name out loud or write 5 things you are happy about – things that are enough.

Recognize, there is enough in your life in this moment. You will create more when you spend time appreciating what already is. It’s about loving what you already have. Allow yourself the time to register the good. Register what IS working. Savor the possibilities. Spend time savoring what’s happening that’s right – right now.

For instance, focus on what you love about your partner, instead of what drives you nuts about him or her. Focus on what you love about your life, about yourself. Deliberately put your focus on all the good. You have the ability to choose to shift your world by doing this.

Believe it or not, in this moment there is nothing to fix. Nothing to change. “I’ll be happy if I lose weight,” we tell ourselves. “I’ll be happy if I get money” we admonish. Instead choose to be happy now. Do you believe you deserve and are worthy of happiness right now? If so, if you believe even a little bit, act on it. Act like you deserve more good by focusing on all the abundance present in this moment.

Oprah Winfrey said: "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."

Remember: Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down. And happiness is not created by feeling we don’t have. Appreciate all that’s here now and from that place of gratitude strive for more. From a place of already being full allow in more.

Author's Bio: 

Deborah Dachinger’s “Dare to Dream” radio show is a multi-award winning program that inspires and is key during these changing times. Each 1-hour radio segment gathers 1 million listeners for Deborah’s opening featuring and impressive interview guest; Deb is a top-notch interviewer. Besides her radio career, Deborah is a regular channel YouTube contributor: www.YouTube.com/debontheradio , expert columnist at www.BizyMoms.com , www.ItsAllAboutWomen.com , www.SelfGrowth.com , writes a blog at www.debontheradio@blogspot.com , published in All Access Sports, and a contributor to inspirational books. A member of AFTRA and SAG unions, & American Women in Media; “Dare to Dream” airs WED-SUN on Indie 100 worldwide. (Listen at www.925kyhy.com ). http://wwww.deborahdachinger.com