Salpingectomy is the surgical procedure of entirely or partially removing the fallopian tubes for patients with severe hydrosalpinx. Typically, salpingectomy is not recommended for patients with mild hydrosalpinx due to its potential harm, which includes:

1. After-operative sequelae

If the doctors are not skilled enough, the ovaries and intestines may be damaged during the operation, and the organ function may be abnormal after the injury; It may also damage blood vessels, and there is a risk of bleeding during the operation.

In addition, if the blood accumulation is not completely removed during salpingectomy for hydrosalpinx, the wound is rough, the patient will stay in bed for a long time after surgery, and the pelvic cavity is prone to adhesion, which may lead to intestinal adhesion, obstruction, and other diseases. It endangers the health of patients. For example, patients with low immunity, diabetes, severe anemia, etc., will cause delayed wound healing, and even damage infection, resulting in redness, swelling, pain, temperature rise, etc.

2. Cause infertility

The fallopian tube is an essential organ in the process of pregnancy . It plays the role of transportation, is responsible for the operation of fertilization, and transports the fertilized egg to the uterus for implantation and development. If a salpingectomy is performed, it will affect its function and cause female infertility!

After bilateral fallopian tubes are removed, the probability of natural pregnancy of the patient is 0, and only assisted reproductive technology can be used to conceive. That is, only through test-tube babies can pregnancy be achieved. The doctor should retain their fallopian tubes as much as possible for patients with fertility requirements to avoid affecting future normal pregnancies.

3. Increase the possibility of ectopic pregnancy

If a patient's fallopian tube is removed on one side and the fallopian tube on the other is retained, the probability of pregnancy is greatly reduced. As a result, the cause of hydrosalpinx in the fallopian tube has not been eliminated. Problems will also occur in the fallopian tube on the other side, resulting in an increased probability of ectopic pregnancy. After salpingectomy, women should check the ovulation by B-ultrasound. IVF is required to assist reproduction if both sides are removed.

4. Affect the function of the ovaries

After salpingectomy, it will not affect the ovarian volume in the short term, but it will reduce the reserve function of the ovaries on the same side. After the operation, local tissue may form a scar after the operation, or infection may be caused if sterilization or aseptic operation is not done during the process. Local adhesion may occur in the ovary of patients after surgery, which may affect the function of the ovary. In addition, surgery may also affect the blood supply of the ovaries and even the ovulation function of the ovaries.

The above is about the harm of salpingectomy to the human body, so everyone should be careful when choosing surgery.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a good curative effect in treating hydrosalpinx, such as Fuyan Pill. It can be therapeutic in tubal inflammation, hydrosalpinx, adhesion, blockage, and other diseases. In addition to anti-inflammatory and sterilization, Fuyan Pill can dredge the fallopian tubes, repair damaged fallopian tube tissue, and improve physique and patients' immunity!

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