One day there will come a time when your mother or father, needs to consider assisted living.There are several signs to look for that can help spot the dangers that may be forthcoming sooner than expected.

Bay Area Live inCare or assisted living is a monolithic decision to make for anyone, but when it's your parents, you want the best senior care and support available. The best scenario is remaining in your own home. Luckily home care agencies such as Bay Area Dementia care allow you to do just that. Home care provides you with housework, shopping, and the usual tasks that have become a burden due to age.

However, when the time comes, and it will, when senior citizens can no longer care for themselves, stress and emotions can enter the picture; ergo, two choices emerge. Elder care in an assisted living facility or remain at home in a comfortable environment with the assistance of Bay Area In-Home Care.

Many seniors are able to live alone and care for themselves without supervision or assistance. But many times those elder men and women often overestimate their abilities to feed themselves or do the chores that came easily ten years ago. Also, moving away from a residence they have lived in for decades can be frustrating and foreign to them. It may be time for your parents to receive the assistance of a home care agency such as Bay Area hourly Care if they exhibit the sign listed below.

A - Do they need assistance in daily living activities or are they prone to possible injury? Things like feeding themselves, taking medication, bathing, or any other type of mobility.

B - Do they seem forgetful or confused? On occasion, short term memory is the first clue that senior care may be needed.

C - Do they disappear into an occasional "funk?" Perhaps, isolate themselves or have trouble remembering names or don't recognize family members?

D - Do they recognize any type of danger to themselves? Do they suddenly balk at having to walk up or down stairs that years ago was an easy task? Do they inadvertently leave an oven on or forget to turn off stove burners? Would they know what to do in case of fire or possible accident in the home?

E - Do they still make good decisions or does their judgment or skills seem to be impaired or diminished?

Bay Area Home Care is here to help when you think your parents are ready for a little extra help in their everyday lives. Know when it's time, and make the next step!

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Bay Area Home Care would help you with the care of your seniors! We provide various services, to learn about our services visit us or call us today.