What is Metaphysics
By April Lugo PhD
Metaphysic is that which is unexplainable by the sciences. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica Metaphysics is a “philosophical study whose object is to determine the real nature of things- to determine the meaning, structure and principles of whatever is insofar as it is.” (Britannica, 2008) Metaphysics is a form of Philosophy, which seeks to find and understand the ultimate reality of life. Explaining the unexplainable.
In early times metaphysics was considered the natural philosophy. Aristotle, in his treaties developed Metaphysics as the science of understanding that to be is the essence of being. Seeking those inner mysteries of reality. An inner mystery which cannot really shape into reality is the basic premise of metaphysics.
Physics is the study of how matter interacts with matter. Quantum physics is the study of a behavior of smaller particles, such as electrons, protons and neutrons. With the use of quantum physics, we search even deeper into finding the meaning of the essence of what life is. Life as it is, is broken down into smaller bits of itself to see what reality really is. It is with this understanding, that life and all that is associated with life is the metaphysic ~ quantum physics. Through the study of metaphysics, we can understand that the ability to understand these mysterious is possible. The question of what is life can be understood and an answered may be obtained.
There are no freak, strange or weird occurrences, when we are able to understand the smallest parts of the universal laws and rules. Gaining insight into the order of how things are happening and why they happen to can be explained and understood through the greater understanding of this truth. It is through this universal window that we are able to see the reality of what reality really is.
This explains why some can actualize the vibrational pulse of a friend, and in this vibration they can know that there will soon be that chance meeting which shortly thereafter occurs. The vibration or energy compounds broken down leaving a signature within the universal vibrational fields. Scientifically, the realities of the probability of this happening to be about a million to one. While quantum physics sees this as the smallest forms of matter inter-connecting and colliding. Once sensitivity to the vibrational pulses have been accessed the understanding of why some are sensitive to this vibrational alteration thus they are then able to see, feel, understand, experience the mystical mysteries of life. Some terms related to this in the metaphysical world are: abilities, gifts, intuition , or talents, making it possible to connect with those tiniest forms of matter without limitations. The awakening of this sensitivity then shows how a recognized signature pattern can and will affect such a person.
Every person has this sensitivity within themselves. For whatever reasons, many have chosen to ignore or turn the sensitivity off. Unable to explain the unexplainable for some makes it easier to simply say it does not exist. This or that is just a coincidence, or an over active imagination . When, in reality, these sensitivities are very real and very much a part of everyday life.
Within these gifts or talents are such terms as mediumship, and shamanism. Broken down to be the understanding of channeling , trance, meditation, being empathetic, intuitive, or the collective unconscious connecting with the conscience through dreams . Whatever labels feel comfortable, call it and recognize it, as the reality of time and space through vibrational pulses.
Taken from the Clair What… Intuitive Development Book. ISBN: 978-1-4490-7556-9 by April Lugo

Author's Bio: 

April Lugo, PhD: Intuitive Mentorship Coach. April is an international author, lecture, teacher and speaker. Her life mission has been on of empowering individuals to their highest potentials. April holds a PhD in Holistic Healing, Metaphysical Arts, Intuitive Life Coaching and Parapsychology. She also has a master in Psychology