If you have ever been in sales or worked as an insurance agent, like I was, you might be familiar with the term "its all a game of numbers." With this mentality, you just pick up a phone book and dial. Once you dial a certain number of phone calls, the numbers game says that you will reach a guaranteed number of people. After you reach that number of people, you are guaranteed to hear a certain number of "no's." After the magic number of "no's" you finally hear a "yes." Attraction marketing highly contrasts this method. Instead of cold calling, you simply tell your story and give your message. When people resonate with that message, they reach out to YOU.
The use attraction marketing gets you seen as someone who delivers value and possesses all the answers to their questions or problems. This is in stark contrast to someone who is hounding them to hear a presentation and "see if we are a fit."
Your positioning as the "go-to" person happens when you engage them. Giving people answers to their most pressing questions engages them. Soon,clients are chasing you instead of the other way around.When someone comes to you, the conversation is suddenly changed. Instead of hearing "How much does it cost..." They ask "Do you have room in your schedule to help me?" The fees are removed from the conversation, because they already know you are valuable.
Attraction marketing shifts where you spend your time. Instead of random dialing, you are spending time "finding" clients, your are putting your message together and strategically placing it in places where your dream client will find it. That means speaking and writing instead of random dialing.
You are no longer counting on getting in front of x number of people. Instead, you are looking to see where YOUR people are so you can get your content in front of them. Different people like to receive information in different ways. So you might find yourself writing articles for industry blogs, spending time answering questions on industry forums, or uploading videos that answer questions on YouTube.
Luckily, we live in a time where syndication is an easy task. You can easily repurpose a written article into a quick video, or vice versa. You can strip audio from video and you can transcribe either for a written article. So if you are more inclined to write, then you can spend your time writing. Where as if it easier for you to answer a question on a live Facebook video, then you should spend time doing that..but take the next step with either and make sure your content is found in every type of modality possible. It only takes a few moments to repurpose your content from one modality to another.
If you are stuck chasing clients, try the attraction marketing method. Join me in a free training where I share three ways to stop chasing clients and get them to chase you instead. http://done4umedia.com/3-ways-to-get-clients-to-chase-you/
Brenda Trott , known as the “Make Money In Your Sleep Girl” helps small business owners get clients to chase them by using social media, book publications and public relations.
Author of several how to media marketing books and nominated the best Social Media Strategist in Houston, she is often called upon by ABC radio and other media venues to chime in on the ever changing world of social media. She founded Done4U Media to promote businesses and their owners through attraction marketing and offers classes to those who are not yet ready to give up their own marketing hat. Get your free guide to getting found online fast at http://Done4UMedia.com