For consumers reading up on all of the potential methods to avoid bankruptcy / foreclosure proceedings currently at their disposal – and it seems like there are more every day – this is probably the last thing in the world that they would want to hear. Nevertheless, sad but true, you can't always win. What's worse, you may not always want to win, not if you truly care about the continued financial stability and emotional well being of your family. With all of the honest and hard working citizens summoned to court to fight off foreclosure or forbearance notices thanks in large part to nakedly venal actions by their money grubbing loan officers or stone faced mortgage lenders, it's easy for the average American and debt relief specialist alike to pick a side in this particular skirmish, but that doesn't mean the easy choice is always right.
Through this rush of moral certainty to avoid bankruptcy, foreclosure , and all the foibles of modern life, we can sometimes lose sight of the fact that – however craven and commercial the initial sales pitch may have been, however under regulated the mortgage industry and over worshiped the credit card conglomerates – the failure of the debts in almost every circumstance actually meant nothing more than that American consumers were allowed borrowing privileges that their income and prior record did not vouch safe. Whether or not the loan professionals involved were out for the quick buck should not be the question. We shan't assume the majority of mortgage personnel had simply been blinded to credit scores or employment status because of a sincere hope for the sudden responsibility and fiscal worthiness of their fellow man, but the desire to lend the benefit of the doubt to someone should never be automatically assumed as a con nor should United States' consumers down on their luck turn away offers of trust or assistance for fear of a financial scam they don't currently understand.
You don't avoid bankruptcy & foreclosure just by setting aside all risk. All the same, there comes a time where every citizen has to take hold of their own responsibility for their actions, and this should be particularly true when it comes to mortgages. Federal law dictates that the final signature for any residential equity loan has to be held at an independent title office primarily to ensure that the new home owners are not in any way confused about the terms of their lending agreements, and any borrowers not out and out lied to may well admit to themselves that perhaps they simply knew in their hearts that they weren't entitled to the loans for economic limitations that ran true over time.
Oddly enough, when folks finally come down to the end of their rope and have no alternative but to bite the bullet and admit nothing can be done, most borrowers actually feel a certain sense of peace and calm. You'd be surprised, but there's a certain satisfaction that comes from comes from even losing a battle – especially to such overwhelming forces – so long as you feel comfortable that you indeed left no stone unturned. The list of men and women who found it impossible to avoid bankruptcy and foreclosure reads like a Who's Who of America's best and brightest over the past century and a half, and the only shame should derive from not putting forth your most passionate effort on behalf of your house and finances.
Cole Collins is a freelance writes on various topics relating to consumer debt. For more information and help with debt relief , please visit