It's no secret that discounts are just a way to get rid of irrelevant things for stores. Many people at least once in their lives fell for a trick with a screaming signboard Sale and bought a sweater for thousand of dollars, which still remained lying on a shelf in the closet. If you are familiar with this problem, try to look at shopping from a different angle. Go to sales not for low prices, but for certain things.
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It is important to plan your shopping in advance - to disassemble the wardrobe and make a list of necessary things. Before buying, we advise you to always ask the question: why was this thing on sale? Often, the answer is not at a high price. Remember that many are willing to overpay for good quality. Therefore, avoid synthetic fabrics, check things for defects, and also abandon trends. We have identified for you the categories of things that you should pay attention to during sales.
OUTERWEAR Sand trench coats, black leather biker jacket, woolen coat, or a tech down jacket? Look for what is missing in your wardrobe. High-quality basic clothing is most profitable to buy at sales. Resist the temptation to purchase two or three cheap trendy jackets, but give preference to timeless classics.
WOOL AND CASHMERE PRODUCTS You should not spend money on cheap sweaters made of acrylic and polyester. A cozy wool sweater and a thin cashmere turtleneck are things without which it is difficult to imagine a good winter wardrobe. When buying, do not forget to check the product for puffs and spools.
LINEN Linen clothes are another good investment. In season, such things are not cheap and are rarely discounted due to high demand. It is better to choose a calm color - white, milky, khaki, or black. Be sure to study the composition and give preference to 100% flax. Blended fabrics with cotton or polyester are generally short-lived.
DENIM New jeans are never redundant, right? And not just jeans. Pay attention to jackets, shirts, and denim dresses. Models with stripes, rivets, and patterns immediately set aside. Prefer things with basic shades without unnecessary details. Another important point - discard denim clothing with a raw edge. Such a thing spoils after the first wash and looks untidy.
High-quality and technologically advanced sportswear always raises the comfort of training to a new level. Special running shoes, a convenient set for stretching
, or ski equipment with membrane fabric may be useful to you. Choose brands that specialize in sportswear.
EVENING Collections of evening dresses are often confined to a particular holiday, but this does not mean that at the New Year's sale you can not find a dress for prom or for a friend for a wedding. Now is the time to slowly choose for yourself something suitable and simple. A sparkling top or silk dress on thin straps can be suitable for a dozen cases - from a date to a corporate party. In the future, you don’t have to go shopping to find an outfit the day before the event.
FOOTWEAR At this point, everything is simple - the better, the better. Therefore, it is better to forget about shoes from the mass market, which most often withstands one season. Choose the base pair that you need: white sneakers, concise black boots, cozy sheepskin uggs, or elegant boats.
BAGS AND ACCESSORIES At the sale, it is tempting to buy a trend bag at a discount that I wanted the whole season. Most likely, you will forget about it in a couple of months, because very soon something new and more relevant will appear. Pay attention to simple leather shoppers, classic brand models, and straw baskets. As for jewelry and accessories - avoid cheap jewelry, which quickly deteriorates and darkens. Pick up a beautiful silk scarf, a basic leather belt, or cashmere gloves.
Johnny Fortune is an eternal student of life. Always looking for the next big thing in learning and knowledge.