Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmitted infection. According to the CDC, it affects about 700,000 people in the United States every year; however less than half of these cases are reported. Any sexually active person is at risk for getting gonorrhea. Because of this, it is important for people to learn how to identify gonorrhoea symptoms, so that they can have the proper treatment.
People can get gonorrhea through sex. Its causative factor, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, thrives in moist and warm environments such as the human sex organs, mouth, throat and anus. This type of bacteria is easily transmitted and ejaculation is not needed for it to be transferred. The bacteria can also be transmitted from a mother to her child during childbirth. In which case, the bacteria often affect the baby’s eyes.
Gonorrhea symptoms are often mild or absent in women, but that doesn’t mean that the infection is not there. In some women, the first symptoms to appear are painful urination and increased vaginal discharges. Vaginal bleeding that is not during menstruation is also a symptom. It is important for women to have themselves checked because gonorrhea can lead to serious conditions in women.
The most common gonorrhea symptom in men is the appearance of a whitish, yellowish or greenish discharge from their penis. Pain or a burning sensation felt during urination is also a common symptom. Other men also have swollen and painful testicles. These gonorrhea symptoms usually appear 1-14 days after the infection; however, some men do not develop symptoms.
If the gonorrheal infection has reached the rectum, itching, soreness, rectal bleeding or discharges are commonly felt. Pain felt during defecation is also another symptom. If the infection is in the throat, soreness of the throat may develop. Gonorrhea symptoms are sometimes absent whether the infection is in the sex organs, anus, mouth or throat. If you are sexually active, it is extremely important to get yourself checked regularly. Better yet, always practice safe sex to prevent yourself from getting any sexually transmitted diseases.
Gonorrhea can lead to serious complications if it is left untreated. It can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease or PID in women. PID can lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancies, which is a life threatening condition. In men, gonorrhea can lead to epididimytis and infertility as well. Gonorrhea can even spread to the joints and the blood. If these happen, a person can develop septic shock, which can be fatal. If a pregnant woman gets infected with gonorrhea, there is a huge chance that her baby will get infected if the mother’s infection is not immediately treated. Gonorrhea often leads to blindness and systemic infections in babies.
Antibiotics can effectively treat and stop gonorrhoeal infection, but medication cannot reverse any permanent damage caused by the disease. It is also important to take all the medications prescribed by your doctor to prevent the bacteria from becoming resistant. If the gonorrhea symptoms do not disappear, it is important that your see your doctor and get yourself tested for other sexually transmitted diseases.
Gonorrhea can easily be prevented. Abstinence from sex is the best method for prevent it, followed by being loyal to only one partner, who does not have the disease. Using condoms correctly and consistently can also reduce the risk of getting the disease. If you have been diagnosed with gonorrhea, it is important that you inform your recent sexual partners so that they can get themselves checked and treated as well. Abstinence from sex during the infection and treatment is a must for all parties involved so that the transmission of gonorrhea can be prevented.
For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Gonorrhea Symptoms , Gout Medication and Diverticulitis Symptoms .