Did you know that one of the best ways to get your girlfriend back is to change your appearance? It's a little more than skin deep but when she sees you making an effort to improve yourself by changing your look she'll take a second look and this is your "in" for talks about a second chance.

Where do you begin exploring ways to get your girlfriend back that involve your appearance? Let me count the ways.

1) Diet . You don't have to go on a diet of tofu and salad to make a positive impact on your manly physique. Oddly enough you can accomplish a lot with a high protein low fat diet . Make your proteins lean proteins as often as possible and avoid deep fat fried, greasy, and sugary foods. Cutting out the chips, pizza, and fast food will make a huge difference in the pounds you carry around.

2) Fitness . The only better reason to hit the gym than for your heart is for your health. You don't have to develop rock hard abs or a perfectly chiseled chest to get your girl back. Depending on the girl it might even be a turn off. What you do want to do though is to define your muscles and work off the fat you may have. You'll be surprised what a difference this makes not only in how she sees you but also in how you see yourself.

3) Smile. Are your pearly whites not so bright lately? Teeth whitening products are widely available and can make a huge difference in how she sees you. A smile says a lot about a person and she probably once loved seeing your smile. Make sure it's at its best when you meet again and you'll be able to bring her to her knees with a smile again very soon.

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Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit What to Say to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Does My Ex Girlfriend Still Love Me to find out more.