Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon in women, yet it can sometimes lead to changes due to various factors such as environmental shifts, high stress, psychological issues, excessive exercise , or gynecological diseases. An unusual odor after menstruation may be caused by physiological reasons, often linked to the poor quality and lack of breathability of sanitary pads. However, pathological factors, such as endometritis or trichomonal vaginitis, should not be ruled out.

For women of reproductive age, menstruation is a normal occurrence, indicating a functioning reproductive system. However, some women may experience an unpleasant odor in their genital area post-menstruation, leading to discomfort and embarrassment.

What Causes an Odor After Menstruation?

1. Physiological ReasonsPoor-quality sanitary pads with inadequate breathability can cause irritation in the external genitalia during menstruation. This irritation can lead to the secretion of substances from the external genital glands, resulting in dampness and an unpleasant odor in the genital area. It may also cause itching but generally does not involve abdominal pain or increased vaginal discharge. In such cases, cleaning the intimate area with warm water can quickly improve the symptoms.

2. Pathological ReasonsGynecological conditions such as endometritis, trichomonal vaginitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease can cause inflammatory secretions in the reproductive system, leading to increased vaginal discharge. If left untreated, this can result in a foul odor in the external genital area. Untreated vaginitis, for example, can lead to foul-smelling vaginal discharge, increased discharge, and itching. Trichomonal vaginitis, a common vaginal inflammation caused by infection with Trichomonas vaginalis, results in increased vaginal discharge, external genital itching, and a thin, foamy, yellow-green discharge.

What Causes an Odor After Menstruation Due to Vaginitis?

The main symptoms of vaginitis include increased vaginal discharge, changes in the characteristics, color, and odor of the discharge, along with itching and a burning sensation in the external genital and vaginal areas. Hormone levels are at their lowest during the menstrual period and the days before and after, making the female reproductive system more susceptible to infections.

How to Treat Vaginitis with Odor After Menstruation?

Vaginitis types that cause vaginal odor are often trichomonal vaginitis or bacterial vaginosis. Once diagnosed, these conditions can be treated with herbal medicine like Fuyan Pill to regulate and reduce inflammation, balance menstrual cycles, and alleviate symptoms. For trichomonal vaginitis, it is recommended that both sexual partners receive treatment simultaneously to avoid recurrent infections.

How to Eliminate Odor in Daily Life?

1. Pay Attention to Clothing: Tight-fitting clothes, especially during menstruation, can increase sweating and body odor. Opt for cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothing to ensure proper ventilation.
2. Change Sanitary Pads Frequently: Change sanitary pads regularly, ideally every 4 hours, to reduce contact between the skin and moist pads. Increase the frequency of pad changes if menstrual flow is heavy.3. Maintain Hygiene: Contrary to avoiding bathing during periods, it is essential to maintain personal hygiene. Avoiding baths for more than two days can lead to an odor from menstrual blood.
4. Focus on Intimate Care: Women should care for their intimate areas, not just focusing on facial skincare but also addressing concerns in intimate areas.

In SummaryIf you experience abnormal symptoms such as foul-smelling discharge or changes in color, undergo routine vaginal discharge examinations and seek prompt treatment. Maintaining personal hygiene, keeping the external genital area clean and dry, and abstaining from sexual intercourse during treatment can prevent cross-infection.

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