Almost four decades ago, Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971 and the "war on cancer" began- or so the mainstream media would like us to think. The so-called war on cancer is not only a dismal failure but has also become an outright lie perpetuated by big business. Not only are more people dying of cancer than ever before but more people are getting cancer at earlier ages than ever before.

According to Newsweek writer Sharon Begley, "Cancer is on track to kill 565,650 people in the United States this year - more than 1,500 a day, equivalent to three jumbo jets crashing and killing everyone aboard 365 days a year."

However, finding the cure for cancer might just put the pharmaceutical industry out of business and would certainly end the careers of countless doctors and so called "researchers." Therefore it is in the best interest of these and related institutions to suppress all knowledge of real, proven cancer cures that do exist and have existed for thousands of years.

Since no one can patent a natural cure and make money off of it, the cures are suppressed and even attacked by big companies and the media. Not only does the "cure" for cancer exist, but it has existed for thousands of years. The "cure" is not a magical pill or a chemical concocted in a lab, but purely a detoxification program that prevents cancer from surviving and thus cures it.

Your body is designed to heal itself. Think about when you get a cut. In a few days your body has healed your wound and the cut disappears. It is the same with disease. When you prevent your body from being able to heal- by flooding it with toxic substances such as unhealthy food, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy and more- your body is unable to fight off the overload of toxins, and therefore you become sicker and sicker. However, when you feed your body what it needs such as pure, raw, alkalizing foods and juices then it is able to repair itself of any disease.

Billions of dollars are spent on cancer research- the research of concocting chemicals in pharmaceutical labs to sell more drugs to innocent and desperate patients who so badly want to believe that this drug is their magical cure. According to Cancer researcher Ty Bollinger, chemotherapy has a 97 percent fatality rate. "The cancer 'box' is largely the creation of multinational pharmaceutical companies attempting to peddle their poisons in an effort to increase shareholder profits," says Bollinger. "Sadly, these profits are oftentimes generated at the expense of the dying cancer patient."

"Alternative medicine" is not just a term coined by hippies and mystics but is biological and scientific fact. Studies abound on the effectiveness of natural cures; however unfortunately for us, the information is suppressed and manipulated in order to keep us in the dark so that we are life-long customers of Big Pharma's endless pharmacy of lies.

There are countless accounts of cancer patients healing themselves naturally. One needs only to visit the Gerson Institute in San Diego or the American Botanical Pharmacy in Marina Del Rey to find doctors who are curing patients every day of what western doctors call "incurable disease."

Instead of putting our time and energy into these ineffective efforts we should put our money into education of prevention methods and alternative treatments that treat the cause of the cancer, not just the symptom. There are no incurable diseases and the sooner we realize this fact, the sooner we can all be on a path to healing and well-being.

Author's Bio: 

Allison Biggar is a writer and filmmaker who believes in using the media to empower people to make a difference.

Allison is directing a documentary on people who have cured themselves of disease naturally without drugs. To see the latest clip- where a European journalist shares her story of curing her ovarian cancer- visit

After losing both her parents to cancer at a young age, Allison became passionate about natural, organic health issues and learned that every disease is curable by natural methods.

You can visit her Natural Health web site at .