In a recent study, researchers evaluated the levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (better known by its simple name of vitamin D to you and me) in a group of 3,369 men between the ages of 40 and 79. They also measured the subjects' cognitive performance, based on the results of three different tests (for those that are technically minded the tests were the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test, the Camden Topographical Recognition Memory test, and the Digit Symbol Substitution test - for those that aren't technically minded skip that bit!). Also during the study the researchers took into account other factors such as physical activity, functional performance, and depression .

The initial results showed that higher levels of vitamin D corresponded to better scores on all three cognitive tests. However, after adjusting for the other factors it is believed that vitamin D levels only had a significant impact on one (the Digit Symbol Substitution test).

In spite of that the researchers felt that the lowest levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D remained the strongest indicator of poor cognitive function in the group. In fact, the researchers believe that ample amounts of vitamin D play an important role in preserving your brain's health as you age.

Now, it's true that this connection still warrants further research but that doesn't mean you should wait to start boosting your intake of vitamin D because this vitamin does a lot more than help you remember...

It has proven benefits for osteoporosis and helps against breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, plus heart disease .

Because dietary sources of vitamin D3 are fairly scarce (in large amounts) and sunscreens block up to 90 percent of the sun's vitamin D producing rays (if you are lucky enough to live near where there is a sun!) I would recommend supplementing with a daily Vitamin D3 supplement of up to 2000i.u. (as well as looking at the other supplements that I recommend in The Alzheimer's Alternative).

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Steffan H. Abel D.C. has been involved in Chiropractic and healthcare research for over 20 years. He has run his own successful practice in the north of England for the last 19 years. During which time he has treated over 10,000 patients and given over 100,000 treatments. He has lectured and taught extensively in both Europe and America to students, chiropractors and medical doctors.

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He has studied Hypnotherapy, N.L.P. and qualified as a Life Coach. He has also studied various Chiropractic-based treatments (gaining a M.Sc. in post graduate Clinical Chiropractic in 2003) as well as energy therapies such as Seichem and Reiki. In 2001 he became a Fellow of the College of Chiropractors and a Fellow of the Association of Osteomyology and in 2007 became a Fellow of the European Academy of Chiropractic.

In his spare time he spends between 15 and 25 hours per week researching all areas of “alternative” and allopathic healthcare in order to bring the best advice to his patients through his practice and writing and has just finished his latest book The Alzheimer's Alternative ( ). When not working he is to be found enjoying life with Sue, his partner, – whom he loves tremendously!