Understanding the Significance of Colors in Vastu:
Red: Red symbolizes passion , power, emotions, and warmth. However, in Vastu, it is advised to avoid using deep shades of red as they represent fiery planets and can disrupt the energy balance in your home.
Blue: Blue is associated with beauty , contentment, devotion, and truth. It is an ideal color for creating a calm and serene atmosphere in your living space.
Green: Green represents growth, healing, fertility, and prosperity . It is particularly suitable for the north direction, which is governed by Mercury. Additionally, shades of yellow are recommended for the northeast direction governed by Jupiter.
White: White signifies purity, openness, innocence, and luxury. It is a versatile color that can be used in various parts of the house to create a sense of spaciousness and tranquility.
Yellow: Yellow promotes optimism, openness, study, and intelligence. It is an excellent choice for rooms where creativity and mental focus are required.
Orange: Orange symbolizes determination, goals, healthiness, and comfort. It is best suited for spaces facing the east, which is ruled by the Sun. For the southeast direction, red is a preferred color according to Vastu.
Brown: Brown represents stability, satisfaction, and comfort. It can create a warm and grounding ambiance in different areas of your home.
Purple: Purple signifies richness, luxury, graciousness, and pride. While purple can be used sparingly to add a touch of opulence, it is advisable not to overuse this color in your interior decor.

Vastu Colors for Different Rooms:

Master Bedroom:
For the master bedroom, Vastu recommends using blue as it is considered ideal for the southwest direction. Light pink or red can also be used for newly married couples to deepen their bond and foster a peaceful atmosphere. Shades of blue, green, and brown are suitable for creating a soothing space, promoting stability, and reducing conflicts.Guest Room/Drawing Room:
The northwest direction is ideal for a guest room or drawing room, and it should be painted with white to enhance the sense of openness. Similarly, white is recommended for children's rooms, which are governed by the moon.

Kitchen:The northeast direction is considered auspicious for the kitchen. Shades of orange or red can be used on the kitchen walls to stimulate the fire element. Yellow, red, and green are also suitable choices for kitchen decor, symbolizing freshness, health, and positivity.

Bathroom:The northwest direction is best suited for bathrooms, and the walls should be painted with white to maintain a clean and hygienic environment.

Hall:The northeast or northwest direction is ideal for the hall, and painting the walls yellow or white can create a welcoming and vibrant space.

Pooja Room:
The pooja room should face the northeast direction to maximize sunlight exposure. Yellow and white are the preferred colors for this sacred space, as they symbolize purity, serenity, and peace . It is advisable to avoid red and dark colors, as they can create a disruptive energy.

Kid's Room:When selecting colors for children's rooms, soothing and creative colors like light green or yellow are recommended. Avoid using red if your child easily gets angry. Blue is a calming color that promotes concentration, while darker shades should be avoided due to their potential negative impact on your child's health.

Main Door/Entrance:Choose soft colors such as white, silver, or wood colors for the main entrance. Avoid using dark colors like black, red, or navy blue. It is essential that the entrance gate opens in a clockwise direction and opens inwards as per Vastu principles.

Balcony/Veranda:For balconies, which connect occupants with the outer world, calm colors like blue, cream, and light shades of pink and green are recommended. Dark colors should be avoided in order to maintain a positive and uplifting atmosphere.

Garage:The northwest side is considered ideal for a garage. Opt for light shades like white, yellow, or blue to create a bright and spacious environment.

Incorporating Vastu-compliant colors into your home in Thane can significantly enhance the overall energy and ambiance. By following these Vastu tips, you can create a harmonious living space that promotes well-being, prosperity , and positivity. Remember to choose lighter shades over darker ones, as darker colors can disrupt the energy pattern within your house. Paying attention to the colors used in each room, from the master bedroom to the kitchen and pooja room, can help you create a balanced and vibrant living environment that aligns with Vastu principles.

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