Quitting smoking is a challenging task and when approaching this challenge many people turn to a form of nicotine replacement therapy and hope that one of these products will result in an easy transition from smoker to non-smoker.
The nicotine patch: These patches contain nicotine which is released into the blood stream at a steady rate when the patch is stuck onto the skin. These patches come in varying strengths with a smoker often starting on a patch which realises a high dose of nicotine and then after a few weeks moving onto a patch that realises a lower dose of nicotine into the blood stream.
The patch can cause side-effects such as nausea and a rash on the skin where the patch has been placed. If you choose to use this method of nicotine replacement therapy then it is important that you do not smoke when wearing the patch and if you are a women that is pregnant or breastfeeding then it is important to seek advice from your local doctor first.
The nicotine gum: Another popular NRT product is the nicotine gum. This gum when chewed on and then placed between the cheek and the gum results in nicotine being absorbed into the body. If all you do is chew the gum it will not work. The side effects of nicotine gum include nausea and indigestion and it is important not to use nicotine gum as a substitute for cigarettes as this can lead to addiction to the gum itself.
Both the nicotine patch and gum have been used by millions of smokers are used to reduce withdrawal symptoms and can be supplied by your doctor on prescription or brought in a supermarket or chemist, but as it says on the instructions included, NRT products are only successful when used with an overall form of support.
This additional support can come from group sessions or from one-on-one counselling with a psychologist which is generally more expensive than a group course. Talk with your doctor and he or she should be able to direct you to a group in your local community.
Finally if you do decide to use nicotine replacement therapy then you should consult your doctor if you suffer with stomach ulcers, heart problems, thyroid problems, kidney or liver disease, asthma or diabetes or if you are a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding to make sure these products are safe for you to use.
Need help to stop smoking! Learn about cigarette withdrawal symptoms , the reasons to stop smoking and benefits and get some quit smoking tips at kickingbutts4life.com