Today I want to discuss something that is so serious to everyone’s health and when I say everyone, I mean Men, Women, and Children. A Health Issue that even Doctors rarely test for. In fact it is so well hidden, that no one thinks about it.
I was recently diagnosed with this serious health ... Views:4751
Pendulum dowsing has also been called "divining" for its ability to provide information and predict the future. Pendulum dowsing is a method of divination that is rarely requested by clients, and is highly underrated. Dowsing offers you the access to an inner wisdom; it can be a fun and simple ... Views:22558
When my daughter was a baby it was very easy for me to get a diagnosis of Asthma from the medical fraternity, in fact they came to me after I had her in hospital as she was so bad and was in a humicrib.
However, others I know have been a little apprehensive to seek medical advice regarding ... Views:1255
Asthma is an illness that is easily exacerbated, as sufferers are particularly sensitive to the allergens in their environment, especially in and around their home. These allergens are in the form of dust, dust mites, cleaning products, pet hair, and pollens from particular plants in the ... Views:1327
As anyone with asthma will know, worrying about suffering an asthma attack (medically known as an “acute exacerbation” of asthma) is something that prevails throughout life and can sometime limit what a person does. For example I know one person who will get an asthma attack if they go anywhere ... Views:1750
If you, as a non-sufferer, have ever witnessed an asthma suffering enduring an asthma attack, you will know how terrifying an experience it can be and is it any wonder - never have experienced an attack yourself, it is only natural for you to imagine the worst and panic.
So, if you have a ... Views:1625
Today I would like to discuss a very distressing symptom that many Asthmatics experience, and that is coughing (Asthma Cough) and being unable to take their inhalers.
This can sometimes occur in the winter time with the Asthmatic waking up in the middle of the night coughing or first thing in ... Views:1462
The link between Asthma and Allergies I believe is a very important.
Understanding medicine is a complex business that requires years of
study, often to prove beyond a shadow of doubt things that sufferers of
illnesses have long accepted as fact.
I know from hard evidence that ... Views:1135