You don’t really know somebody if you don’t know his or her name, do you? On the other hand, you may be familiar with a famous person’s name but that doesn’t mean that you know that person personally, right?
Your name is like a stamp; it has value, a history, and a destination. When someone ... Views:1525
So many are hungry in the world today. Droughts and famines are pervasive and many of God’s people have their hearts hardened due to their own hunger.
Hunger is not just the need to fill an empty stomach. Those who have the means are still not satisfied. They crave not just essential ... Views:1178
The signs of the end times are all around us. The Lord can come any day to snatch you out before the worst catastrophes overtake the world. Are you ready to receive Him?
God loves you where you’re at and will forgive you instantly, but He does not want you to be conformed to this world. He ... Views:1101
After reading “A Divine Revelation of Hell” by Mary K. Baxter, I have not been the same! It is truly life infusing!
Even though I have been a Christian for thirty years I have never been so conscious of the consequences of sin. The church in general has been much too complacent about the ... Views:1645
Wouldn’t you love to know exactly how to pray so that all your needs are met? So often we pray, hoping that God will hear us on time and come through with the miracle we need so desperately.
Everyone has been given the measure of faith (Rom. 12: 3), and all you need is faith the size of a ... Views:1850
We talk about the Father’s love, seek it, want to be enveloped in it, and spread it around. But, so seldom do we feel it with our senses and most of the time we tend to feel unworthy of His love. How can you really know if and when God loves you?
There are days when you really feel great and ... Views:1548
Crises crop up over and over again in this imperfect world. You have heard that Jesus came so you might have life, and have it more abundantly, (John 10:10) and wonder why you seem to be targeted for physical, emotional or financial doom. Have you ever had these three thoughts?
1. Why is ... Views:1451
Stress more often than not starts from worrying. If you are a chronic worrier, then chances are that you're under a certain amount of stress you may not even be aware of.
There are many self-help methods available to help reduce stress. These range from physical exercise, nutrition, optimistic ... Views:1469
"Ask of me what you will," He said as He gently pulled me on His knee. My eyes were closed but I knew it was the Father. I was cocooned in a brilliantly white, warm, peaceful embrace. My hands were glowing hot and I knew instantly that I had received the gift of healing.
I would have loved to ... Views:1381
We are all born sinners. That means that we all owe God something in order to become whole. In the Old Testament He provided blessings by giving atonement for sins by the blood of an innocent, unblemished animal. This beast became the scapegoat so that they could be free to receive His ... Views:1344
The benefits of Soy, we have been told are monumental. All soy products have been FDA approved for years, and I for one have been using soymilk off and on for years. When the latest bone density test revealed no significant increase in bone mass, I did some research on my own.
To my surprise I ... Views:896
If the Victor is living in you, victory is not just a possibility. It’s yours for the taking!
Are you a Christian and still wondering why you’re the victim of so many calamities? Life is not fair. The fact is that you’re living in an imperfect world inside a decaying body of ... Views:1397
You are born helpless and needy, being totally dependent on nurturance from others. In fact, God has created you with a deep need that can never be satisfied until you turn to Him. One of His Names is El Shaddai, which means: God, the All-Sufficient One.
The Lord woke me up today with a jolt. ... Views:938
I had a frightened call from Debbie yesterday. She was
totally beside herself. She had just gotten off the bus and
was at a physical as well as spiritual crossroads. She was
totally consumed with fear, crying and shaking
Someone involved in occult practices had threatened ... Views:934
The world and everything in it is constantly changing. In a flash of a moment disease and calamity of every kind can strike.
According to the Bible there shall be wars and rumors of wars. Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdoms against kingdom, and there shall be famines, and pestilences ... Views:1199
Private Label Rights are products that someone else has
written, but you have the right by the owner to use and/or
sell them as if they were your very own creation.
There are many private label rights products available on the
internet on just about any subject imaginable. All you need
to do ... Views:945
Oh what glory it truly is to be sitting in His Presence. Once that Presence envelops you, you feel like Peter on the Mount of Configuration when he wanted to build a tent and stay there forever. It’s as if you’ve suddenly come face to face with a little fawn in the woods. You hardly ... Views:1242
Glucose is:
· The major source of energy for the body, including the brain.
· A simple sugar, or monosaccharide.
· The principal sugar the body produces.
· Transported through the bloodstream to provide energy to every cell in the body.
· Also a simple carbohydrate, ... Views:900
Success or failure of an online business depends mainly on the internet searches. Those who are searching for specific products and services will potentially put hundreds to thousands of dollars in your pockets from your online business.
The most important thing to consider is that those who ... Views:866
With the Lord there is total protection for whatever you’re facing. No matter what battles you’re going through, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, the Lord has equipped you.
With God the battles are fought in the spirit realm. Words, thoughts and situations can condemn you. ... Views:1174
In order to get your online home business off the ground fast, there are some basic facts to consider. Even though you hear about all the online entrepreneurs who make millions, they all faced the same hurdles when they started.
The very first fact is that, just like in any off-line business, ... Views:1044
Starting your business online does not have to be expensive. Marketing your business on the net is the best way of growing a residual income and building your goal of financial freedom.
The two most important factors to consider in starting your own Internet marketing business are time and ... Views:965
Do you realize that as a born again Christian you have an awesome power inside of you? Yes, you do! Everything may be turned against you right at the moment and you’re feeling about as low as can be but, if you knew how to tap into that power, you would be gliding right over the obstacles. ... Views:1254
Stress is a chronic condition. It’s all around you; in your workplace, social life, and even in your home. When left to run its course, stress can intensify into chronic frustration, grief, anxiety, and depression.
Stress is a mental condition generally brought on by worrying about things ... Views:860
When you think of fitness, you may be thinking of well-toned bodies, rock-hard abs and generally, just a fit and outstanding physique. What if I told you that in order to be truly fit and feel great you don’t need to be a body builder?
Fitness is more than exercise. If you think exercise ... Views:1057
Are you wishing for your circumstances to change? Have you been praying and believing, but do not see any change whatsoever, and are wondering what gives?
You may be wondering how when some people pray, everything they ask for seems to turn around for them. So, then how come it’s not ... Views:942
Consider the picture of Jesus cleaning out the temple. He did it twice; Once at the very beginning of his ministry (John 2: 15-17) and again at the end. (Mark 11: 15-17) Both times he showed anger, spoke with authority, and single-handedly drove out everyone who used the house of God for ... Views:938
There is so much information these days about anti aging and antioxidants. But what is all the hype about? What are antioxidants anyway, and what do they have to do with aging?
Antioxidants are substances that prevent or slow down oxidation. Oxidation is the process of unstable oxidized ... Views:1069
If you knew what the major obstacle to your own success was, would you do something about it? Why do so many Christians struggle to make ends meet while God so clearly promises that we shall have a full and abundant life? (John 10: 10)
You may not realize it, but your miracle depends on who you ... Views:1132
With the tongue we bless God and curse men. "Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to so be." (Jas. 3: 9 - 10) What does that mean, really? It's understandable that we should not curse our fellow men. Yet, whenever you utter a negative word in ... Views:3253
The literal translation for the word tinnitis from Latin means "to tinkle or ring like a bell." It is loosely defined as hearing noises in the ears that no one else present can hear. These can range from ringing, roaring, clicks, whistling, or hissing.
Tinnitis, also known as tinnitus, is not ... Views:987
Melatonin is a growth hormone naturally produced by the pineal gland in your brain, and circulating in your bloodstream. Melatonin is secreted at night or in the dark to regulate your sleeping cycle. It plays a significant role in maintaining sleep-wake rhythms.
Melatonin is considered to be ... Views:1624
So many people are complaining about being tired. It seems to be the malaise of our time. Do you find you just don’t have the same get up and go as you used to? Somewhere along the way, you have come to rely more and more on caffeine to keep you going. No matter how much you sleep, you ... Views:3340
What do you think of when you hear the word freedom? Obviously everyone pictures it completely different, right? You may imagine doing anything you would love at any time without any hindrance of finances, time or ties. You would not notice any angry, envious or judgmental glances; nor would you ... Views:2220
Over the years doctors were not able to clearly diagnose impending heart attacks in women. This was mainly due to their symptoms being different from those of men. They were often diagnosed with anxiety or panic attacks, only to experience more severe heart attacks at a later date.
Heart ... Views:951
You have it in you to be a winner. If you're thinking that your spiritual fortitude may be at an all-time low, let's think again.
Don't you know that you are in a race, and that only one can win the prize? (1 Cor. 9:24) When you're watching the Olympics, it is obvious that every person striving ... Views:937
Are you walking around with a frown on your face, tired and feeling sorry for yourself for the many disappointments in your life? Why would you do that if you know that you've already won the battles in your life?
Maybe you don't yet realize it, but you are a winner. You are programmed for ... Views:1873
The immune system is your most important health ally. Its job is to keep you healthy at all times. Your body is created that way; if only you could eat and drink foods that are completely pure and chockfull of all the best vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. The main function of your immune system ... Views:3165
Diarrhea can show up at the most unsuspected times and places, often without warning or obvious cause. Yes, there are over the counter “flow stoppers” available which may work for a while for some but do nothing to heal the condition.
Some basic causes of this embarrassing ... Views:959
Everyone is looking for the ultimate surefire secret to instant riches; aren't you? It is nice to have more than enough and to enjoy life without financial pressures. God has designed it that way and He means it when He says to cast all your cares on Him.
But, how do you receive abundance? ... Views:935
She was widowed, lost and penniless. Logic told her to stay with family and traditional beliefs and rituals. But, somehow, deep in her heart, she knew that she had to make a choice, and that was to go forward into as yet unfamiliar territory.
Ruth had learned from her mother-in-law about God ... Views:812
This is not about fighting a battle against a sin of the flesh. It’s all about fighting a spiritual battle of faith.
Actually, the verse the Lord directed me to for this message is this one: “I will: be thou clean.” (Luke 5: 13)
That was the Lord’s answer to a leper, ... Views:972