When your spouse looks to you as if he or she is part of the furniture, you know it’s time to take action. Boredom in a marriage is not a problem to be taken lightly. If left unaddressed, it can certainly lead to a very unhappy marriage . I strongly believe that it is more a problem of not putting enough efforts in the marriage than actually running out of things to do together with your spouse.

In this article I will help you to discover how to inject life back into your marriage and make it fun again!

1) Re-ignite your sex life

Sex is important to a marriage. Even if your sex life has been less than roaring lately, you can still inject some much needed passion in your marriage.

When was the last time you gave your spouse a hug and whispered “I love you? These 3 little words are a powerful psychological aphrodisiac and work wonders at re-establish the emotional connection between you and your partner.

Surprise each other with little gifts and hide a love note in your spouse’s pocket with a promise of a steamy night on his/ her return from work! This will definitely bring a smile to your partner’s face! Phone your spouse several times during the day and tease each other about your plans for the evening!

Sex starts from the mind, so to put your partner in a sexy mood, give each other an oil massage or share a candlelit bath. If you want to explore new sexual positions, get a copy of the Kama Sutra, lock your bedroom door and get ready for explosions between the sheets!

2. Explore something new

Boredom is the killer of romance. You have to find ways to break the monotony by doing something you’ve never tried before. Draw up a list of activities you would like to do together, and agree on which one you will try first. It can be anything, as long as you both enjoy it: a wine tasting class, joining a gym together to get fit, ball room dancing, playing golf, etc.. The list is endless.

If you take your vacations to the same place every year, be adventurous: try and discover a new city or even better a new country. To broaden your circle of friends, try and socialize in different places so that you can meet new people.

3. Remind yourself why you got together

Often, the demands and pressure of day-to-day living can easily leave a couple feeling totally overwhelmed. If you and your spouse are gradually falling into a rut, you must take some time to talk and remind yourselves why you chose to marry each other in the first place. Your marriage used to be fun before, discuss what happened to turn it into a monotonous and boring routine!

Author's Bio: 

Track the romance back to the very first time you met and fell in love. Reminding yourself of the excitement you felt in these early years will inspire you to recreate these feelings. Taking responsibility for each other’s happiness is the secret to a happy marriage .But what if you can’t find a solution to your unhappy marriage? Perhaps you need more in-depth marital guidance? Take a minute right now and let me help you to discover how to put your marriage back on track with my FREE guide" How to save your marriage in 5 Easy steps ". Download my free guide at: http://www.howtosavemarriagenow.net