Yeast growth can cause an infection in any part of your body. Yeast growth leads to a yeast infections. There are many types of yeast infections but candidiasis is the most common. Yeast is normally present on the surface of our bodies but under certain condition they can multiply and cause infections. Examples of yeast infections include vaginal yeast infection, oral cavity tissue infection, nailbed infections, diaper and skin rush. Yeast infections occur in the moist parts of the body.

Yeast cannot penetrate the skin but can penetrate when the skin is broken. Vaginal yeast infection is the most common type of vaginitis. Oral yeast infection is not common in the young population but one becomes more susceptible as they grow older. Yeast infections also occur beneath skin folds such as under the breasts. Nailbeds can also be infected. At times the yeast infection can spread throughout the body and this can be fatal. For instance this can happen when the yeast enters the bloodstream through a cut. Yeast in the bloodstream can make a person be without fever and when it gets into the brain it will cause a mental disorder. But this occurrence is very rare. Yeast infections vary from mild to critical.

A variety of things can lead to yeast infections in the body. Use of steroids and antibiotic by women can lead to vaginal yeast infection. Sperms, menstruation, pregnancy , diabetes and the use of birth control pills can also play a big role in the development of a vaginal yeast infection. Yeast is found naturally in the vagina of healthy women and a good growth environment is all it needs to cause an infection. People who have weak immune systems e.g. those undergoing cancer treatment, those with AIDS, or those using steroid are more prone to yeast infections. The continuous use of antibiotics leads to yeast infection because the antibiotics kill bacteria that are responsible for keeping yeast growth under control. Other causes of yeast infection that are not common include the use of the special devices that are implanted under the skin e.g. the urinary catheters. These devices provide access sites for yeast to get into the body; injection using dirty needles also puts yeast directly into the bloodstream.

Yeast infection in women (vaginal) causes itching and soreness. A thick white discharge is also normally produced. Pain is felt when having sex or urinating. Oral yeast infection manifests itself as a red base with thick white patches on top. These patches can't be wiped away and bleeding might result if you attempt to get rid of them. Sometimes the tongue can just be red without the white patches. This kind of yeast infection can make it very difficult to take in food. Presence red flat rashes on the skin can also indicate a yeast infection.

A Yeast infection an easily be treated using over the counter mediations. If the mediations do not work you should feel free to consult a medical specialist as soon as possible. If you have a weakened immune system you should consult a doctor the moment you notice any yeast infection symptom. These can help in preventing a small yeast infection from transforming into a serious medical problem.

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