Aging is an unavoidable fact of life that we will all face at some point. Once you start reaching the age of 60 and beyond, your body will no longer be as forgiving as it once was. Typical daily practices that you would take for granted may seem a little more difficult than they once were, which is completely natural. Luckily, there are multiple ways to counteract these changes and allow your body to better withstand the effects of increasing in age. If you are approaching 60, or already find yourself there, take a look at the following areas that will need a little extra care in the coming years:

Physical Activity

The absolute most important thing to keep in mind at any stage of adulthood is to remain physically active. Issues such as osteoporosis, arthritis , weight gain, diabetes, as well as many other cardiovascular and respiratory conditions can be directly improved upon or even prevented by maintaining a moderate to high level of physical activity. Physical activity is a heal-all remedy, as it can improve not just your physical ailments, but is also known to improve mental well-being through the release of endorphins. It is even beneficial for your brain, as people who exercise on a regular basis are proven to make better decisions than those who don’t.
Any effort to become physically active can have huge payoffs, even if it is just walking the dog or jogging around the neighborhood a couple times a week.


Coupled with a good exercise regime must be a good diet , which is arguably just as important as maintaining physical activity. As age progresses, the skin is no longer able to make as much vitamin D, and the body needs more vitamin C and vitamin B12 as well. Supplements can help these deficiencies, but the best way is always to get these vitamins from natural sources in the diet . Another nutrient of concern is fiber and protein as the body begins to become a little weaker than it used to be.
Now this by no means is saying you have to entirely change the way you eat, but even a few changes here and there can reduce risk of diabetes, obesity , and high blood pressure. A great way to incorporate both protein and vitamin D is through fatty fish such as tuna or salmon. Vitamin C can come from various fruits and vegetables, while vitamin B12 comes from animal meats. Various beans and vegetables can contribute fiber to the diet as well. Just incorporating a few of these healthier foods can make drastic improvements to your health, both right now and in the years to come.


One of the things many of us take for granted is our vision, but this is something you should be very careful to keep an eye on while you get older. If you see any changes in your vision, such as double vision, hazy vision, or painful eye sight, be sure to go to your eye doctor immediately. Make sure to frequently get your eyes checked, at least every two years or so. According to the professionals at Davis Vision in Utah , vision problems like cataracts start to show up particularly after age 60. Luckily, a healthy diet and exercise regimen are two of the biggest factors in maintaining good eye sight as well. Watching these factors can keep you in much better shape to be protected against vision problems.


Teeth can break down just like anything else in the body, so be sure to maintain good oral hygiene with age. Continue to brush twice a day as well as floss regularly. Visit the dentist on a regular basis and continue to eat healthy foods that will not easily decay your teeth. Don’t let any dental issues go unresolved, as they will only get worse with time if ignored.

Mood/ Attitude

It is common to become lonely or sad when you get older for various reasons. Whether you have lost a loved one or have just run out of things to entertain yourself, it can be hard to keep your mind busy. This makes it even more important to stay active and enjoy every chance to get out and have a good time. Spend time with family and friends whenever you have a chance and surround yourself with bright, positive people.

Aging in no way means that your quality of life has to decrease. There are many ways to keep your health intact, and following these five easy guidelines can make a world of difference in keeping you happy and healthy for years to come.

Author's Bio: 

Dixie is a freelance writer who loves to write for health, parenting, and women's interests. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters.