As we are smack in the middle of the much-prophesied “Shift of Ages” there is incredible transition as the old ways collapse and new energies and abilities emerge. Many people are choosing to leave their physical bodies at this challenging time.

While it can be extremely difficult to experience such a loss, I always counsel my clients that death brings an open portal and if we are receptive, great gifts are available as the veils between the dimensions seem very thin. Now I have an opportunity to apply it to my own life as my mom transitioned last month. My grieving drove me into my garden. Personally, I am experiencing an increase of my intuitive abilities and also a deepening connection with nature– especially plant communications.

Just like communicating on different levels with animals, it is possible to send telepathic messages to plants and trees. For example I was trying to move a clump of curly fern that was encroaching into the pavement. I couldn’t even get the shovel in the dirt the roots were so entangled. I remembered that I had not stopped to share my vision with the fern, and I quickly outlined why I wished to dig it up and move it.

Share the Vision and the “Why”I excitedly shared my idea that it would be a lovely addition to a new garden I was creating, and would be a central and unique plant there, with plenty of room to grow and divide and have as many “”babies” as it wanted to. Further I explained that I would like to split the current clump into two sections. Not only did my shovel go instantly into the ground, the tightly root-bound fern came apart into two sections so easily in my hands I didn’t even have to cut it or apply force!

It all started the week following my mom’s memorial. I needed time to reflect and regroup, so I took some time off and went into the yard. I figured out a new theme for a problem area that had long “stumped” me; at the base of an old pine tree, nearly nothing would grow and it always looked shabby and unkempt. Furthermore I could barely plant anything because the roots of these native Florida pines are very sensitive and you can kill the whole tree with an ill-placed shovel cut.

A few years ago I tried an iris that grows in Florida and they seemed to be the first plant doing well there, so I found a few more varieties and some native lilies and planned to put them around the sand pine. I was always nervous to mess with this area. In addition, it was the hardest place to dig with so many huge old roots

Slowing Down and Entering the Silence
But this time was totally different. I was taking my time; not rushing. Exhausted from all the funeral arrangements, I took a break from returning the hundreds of well-wishing phone calls and spent hours a day outside in silence. I was with my mom’s spirit a lot as she shared her ecstatic release from a body that “was no longer fun anymore”. And the miracles unfolded.

Now I always thought of myself as pretty connected to all of life, as I teach this ability to communicate not only with the animal kingdom, but plants, trees and minerals as well. However, this was a whole new level. I approached the pine bed, and began to lay out the new plants where I thought they would go. And I waited.

Like the parting of the red sea; the innumerable tree roots and hard ground was giving way like soft butter to the intrusion of my shovel and spade. Now I could totally hear and feel exactly where they were meant to be, and sometimes my shovel would be adjusted a millimeter one way or another, making all the difference between getting the plants in easily versus not at all.

Collaboration Trumps DominationThis is a plot I have worked on for five years now, and it was always a nightmare to get even an inch or two down without hitting roots. Unyielding would be an accurate description. Yet this time, my shovel glided to exactly the sweet spot, but often not where I originally planned.

As I listened, the shovel felt guided, often weaving its way among myriad thick existing roots without harming any. Navigating seamlessly around the tangled webs I was able to tuck each plant in with great ease. I could feel the pine tree was not just allowing me to plant, but totally happy about it and assisting me.

At one point I actually received the strong emotion that the pine tree was thrilled with all the added attention and the extra hand watering I was giving it, so it was fully cooperating with my planting.

I contemplated how many times I formulated my own ideas about the best way to do something, and then tried to “push” my agenda or point of view onto someone or something, assuming that was the only way to be heard, the best way to succeed and accomplish my goals. The sap pine was showing me a better way. Collaboration.

I dared to dream how different our whole existence would be if we slowed down a bit, and shifted our energies to listening, appreciation and cooperation. In lieu of pushing forward with our goals, instead we created a vision, relished in the beauty of the possibilities, felt appreciation for diverse points of view and alternate ways to accomplish things. How rarified a world we could create if we acknowledged the underlying intelligence of all life, and courteously expressed our intention for inclusion and consideration of all life in our plans.

From this awareness, we would offer suggestions and paint pictures of possibilities, while appreciating opposing views or new ideas entirely, releasing our attachments to the “how”, willing to adjust and stay flexible, enjoying the journey. And all of life would Celebrate, Collaborate and perhaps chide us with a friendly “what took you so long??” I dare say, DREAM ON!

Author's Bio: 

Energy Alchemist. Empathic Intuitive. Animal Mystic. Master Healer. EarthKeeper. Divine Wisdom channel. One internationally recognized spiritual mentor exclaimed “Kumari’s purpose is to Teach the Teachers Mastery; her Meditation Master described her extraordinary healing abilities as a “Golden Gift”.

In 1988 she met a spiritual master and instantly reclaimed the ability to channel healing and Higher Consciousness from multidimensional realms. Desiring to more fully embody the Consciousness she was accessing, she immersed herself in Eastern mystical practices of meditation, pranayama and devotional chanting, while combining contemporary spiritual and healing arts of Reiki, Grounded Ascension and Mastering Alchemy.

Kumari lives in a world where communicating directly with Spirit realms, animals and all of nature is the norm. Her deepest joy is empowering others to experience that all of Creation is Conscious. She teaches with a practicality and playfulness that is disarmingly potent, fully anchored in the knowing that anyone can awaken to this magical remembrance. Kumari holds a powerful energetic presence where distortions of who we are not vanish, healing and wholing shifts occur naturally, and the Mystery of Life unveils.

More recently she has been given “EarthKeeper” assignments to balance and heal planetary imbalances. Kumari is the chosen emissary to a group of Enlightened EarthKeepers who call themselves “The One”. The One inhabit the Mineral Kingdom and are the Gatekeepers for the Portal at the Center of the Earth, responsible for sustaining the New Earth energies and transmitting their initiatory gifts to bring Earth to Heaven.

Kumari is the co-author of the bestselling book “Empowering Transformations for Women“, a critically acclaimed CD “Connecting with All Life” and numerous articles on healing, manifesting and intuitive development. Internationally recognized intuitive healer and spiritual teacher, she facilitates teleseminars, playshops and retreats to reconnect with our natural healing, intuitive and manifesting abilities. Kumari’s planetary service projects include “Healing the Gulf: The Power of Intentions” with Dr. Emoto, world renowned water crystal researcher.