To understand back pain in a better way, it is important to understand the structure of our backbone and spine. Our back is formed by bones, muscles and joints, and also ligaments, nerves and tendons. These all function together as a single interconnected structure, and the main support structure in our backs is the spine.

The spine is a comprised of 24 separate bony structures called the vertebrae, along with the bones of sacrum and coccyx. In between the vertebrae are discs and these discs act as shock absorbers. Owing to these discs, we are able to bend our spine.

There is a central canal within each vertebra, and through these canals, our spine threads down. This carries nerves from our brain to the rest of the body.

The exact cause of any of the aches related to or centered upon the back are difficult to recognize in most cases. But it is invariably associated to a strain in the muscle, or a strain in a tendon or ligament. At times, though in rare cases, this may even be caused by damage to one of the structures in the back, and this is known as mechanical back pain .

It is unlikely that discomfort in the back is caused by a serious condition, unless it is accompanied by some underlying health problems or the patient exhibits some other symptoms, like fever and weight loss along with the back pain .

Non specific back pain is the terminology used for back pain which is not caused due to any underlying serious causes. The non specific back pain seldom acts as a grave cause of concern, and in around 90% of cases, the symptoms improve by themselves, in a period of four to six weeks.

There are a number of factors that can lead to backache, or aggravate the condition if an individual suffers from backache. Some of these include standing or sitting for long durations, lifting loads that are too heavy, or suffering from an accident or injury. If one is obese, he has a greater chance of suffering from back pain.

For a vast majority of cases and for non specific back pain in general, self help and physiotherapy can go a long way for treatment of pain in the lower back, and enabling the patient to return to normalcy in minimum time. Self help involves staying as active as one can while one suffers from backache, as bed rest is likely to make the condition worse. Similarly, physiotherapy may involve visiting a physiotherapist for therapy sessions, and the practitioner would help alleviate any condition that may be causing back pain, like a pinched nerve in the back. This may involve chiropractic, or massage therapy to alleviate the pain.

Alternately, one may choose to go for some traction devices, which are easy to use, and while being a lot less expensive than professional therapy sessions, would allow one to get relief without having to travel long distances to meet a therapist. Maintaining a proper posture is one of the keys towards getting over back pain, and an effective traction device would massage the afflicted area, and also enable one to maintain a proper posture.

One of the key advantages going for a traction device when one is afflicted by a back pain is that one can use it for as long, or as many times in a day as he or she likes. And while a traction device can be as effective as a massage by a professional therapist, one can use it independently, without requiring any external help.

TeleSky Shopping is proud to present the Decompression Back Belt and the Neck Comforter, tremendous home physiotherapy devices that can work wonders for your everyday health and well being. In essence, the decompression back belt and the neck comforter work by providing traction to the neck and back. And these work towards decompressing the vertebrae, such that there is more room for the nerves.

These home physiotherapy devices can work wonders, if you are ailing with a sore back or a sore neck, or any interrelated conditions, like a shooting pain in the legs, pain in the arms, recurring headaches, or a stiff neck.

Author's Bio: 

Harshad has been into freelance writing for some time now. Some of the topics he loves to write about are health, wellness, life & lifestyle, fitness & spirituality.