Chances are, as a job requirement, you must submit a weekly sales report to your sales manager. Some sales representatives, normally those not at quota, perceive these sales reports as a policing action. “The boss is only checking up on me to ensure that I am doing my prospecting calls.”
Believe me when I tell you that your sales manager already knows if you are making your calls or not, regardless of whether or not you are submitting a sales report. Your sales results, or lack thereof, are already showing your manager that information.
The most successful sales representatives look at sales reports differently. They see them as tools to monitor if they are on course to reach their goals. These sales representatives know that by tracking their activities, they can ensure they are completing the necessary daily tasks that will make them successful. They also know that activity tracking can determine areas for improvement so they can be even more successful in the future. In other words, the most successful sales representatives, those that make the highest incomes, see sales reports and activity tracking as their GPS navigation system on the road to achieving their income and lifestyle goals.
I think everyone has heard at one time or another that it takes ten calls to make one sale. Really? Then why isn’t every sale representative who does 10 calls at quota?
Every industry and every sales representative works on a different set of averages. I remember being told “just do ten calls and you’ll get a sale.” After being very frustrated at not achieving my goals, I started tracking my sales activities. Turns out, because buyers in my industry only purchased once every five years, I needed to do 50 calls to get one sale!
To start tracking your activities, first define the steps of your sales process. For example, your sales process could include prospecting, fact finding, and making presentations. Next, create a tracking sheet where you can enter and monitor your activities for each step of the sales process. You should also include your sales results on the sheet.
You can track by week, by month, or by year, whatever works best for you and your industry. The longer the tracking time frame, the more accurate the results. Some find it helpful to include activity and sales goals on the tracking sheet as well. This way, you will always know if you are on the right path to reach your goals
By using a sales activities tracking system like this, you will soon see what it is that you have to do to be successful. Knowing what it is you have to do makes doing it that much easier!

Aim Higher!

Susan A. Enns,

B2B Sales Connections

Author's Bio: 

Susan A. Enns is managing partner of B2B Sales Connections, the specialized job board, free resume listing service, and sales training website for business to business sales professionals. She has a proven track record of success, with over 22 years of direct sales, management and executive level business to business experience. Her accomplishments include being the top sales rep in Canada, managing the top sales branch, and achieving outstanding sales growth in a national channel sales organization. She has written the downloadable e-courses “Action Plan For Sales Success” and “Action Plan For Sales Management Success”, created numerous automated sales tools, and she writes and edits the company’s newsletter, AIM HIGHER.

Participating on the Leadership Executive of the Sales Professionals of Ottawa since 2008, she is currently the association's Vice President. For more information, please visit .