It’s especially important to be diligent about your safety when working in a high-risk environment. Along with all the obvious dangers, there could be hidden hazards that put you at risk. Here are four tips you should follow to keep yourself safe.

Get the Proper Training

Getting the proper training will make it easier for you to avoid many hazards on the job. Whether your job requires you to operate specialized machinery or drive commercial vehicles, it’s important to receive comprehensive instruction. Many of the top training programs are fast and easy to complete. There are certain programs, like those from the Advanced Heavy Vehicle Training Centre , that are specifically designed for heavy-duty vehicle driving and warehouse equipment operating that could be beneficial for you. During your training, you’ll also learn what to do if you ever encounter a particularly dangerous situation on the job.

Take Adequate Breaks

Even if you’re tempted to forgo breaks to get ahead in your work, doing so can raise your risk factor. By not taking the proper time to step away from your work and rest, you’ll make it harder to function physically and mentally while on the job. This could cause you to make mistakes that jeopardize your well-being. You should take all your allowable number of breaks each day for the full amount of time. Taking your breaks will allow your body and mind to recharge and carry you through your day more efficiently.

Recognize Signs of Health Problems

While working, there are certain signs that you should be aware of that might indicate a health problem. Dizziness, excessive sweating and unusual heart palpitations could indicate that your work is causing certain problems that require medical attention. These symptoms may be especially prevalent if working in environments with excessively hot or cold temperatures. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) states that other problematic symptoms include nausea, muscle spasms and headache. If these problems persist and get worse even with rest, call 911 for help.

Use the Right Safety Equipment

Eye and face protectors as well as fire- and chemical-resistant clothing are just some of the safety items that you should consider using while working. Cut-resistant gloves and workbooks with slip-resistant soles are also good to have. Wearing a back support can enforce proper lifting positions and prevent injury when lifting heavy objects. You should make sure that your workplace has an operational fire extinguisher that can put out any fires that might start. Mechanical aids, such as forklifts and wheelbarrows, can also make your job safer by taking a lot of the heavy lifting off your hands.

Your personal safety should be your number one priority in the workplace. By taking the right precautions, you’ll increase your chances of staying out of harm’s way.

Author's Bio: 

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She enjoys kayaking and reading books by the lake.