Losing focus during exams is a prevalent issue among students. Students are unable to perform at their best when they fall victim to stress or lack of motivation . We can improve the situation by taking simple measures. Therefore, it is crucial to address this issue and find solutions. We bring you some useful techniques to help you stay focused during exams.

Create Easily Achievable Goals

When you are preparing for an important exam, you might start to procrastinate under pressure. So the best way to stay motivated while you track your progress is to break your syllabus into smaller parts. You can easily reach these goals, and the sense of achievement will help you stay motivated. Moreover, you can efficiently track your progress and plan your studies accordingly. Analyze yourself on the basis of your development and then update your strategy. Also, you can take some help from a friend or family member to keep a check on your study plan.

Develop Fun Ways to Study

Just like everything else, studying is better when it's fun to do. Developing those techniques is in your hands. You can follow an accepted method of creating Mnemonics. Mnemonics are like a code that defines some complicated thing more straightforwardly. For example, here's an easy one, "Super Man Helps Every One." The first letter of every word in this sentence gives you a hint about the names of the Five Great Lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario) from west to east. Another method is using mind maps. Mind maps allow you to make notes more visually and systematically. Also, our brain tends to memorize stuff more efficiently with a visual approach.

Take Breaks

It is essential to give some rest to our mind to stay focused. If you are planning to study for long hours, make sure you take short breaks at regular intervals. However, these breaks shouldn't be used to spend time on social media or the internet. Looking at a screen is more likely to make you tired instead of giving you comfort. Social media also keeps you hooked to the internet for hours and makes people prone to lose track of time. So, enjoy these breaks outdoors. If possible, take a walk in a park or woods. The natural environment is the best remedy for stress too. Spending time in nature will calm your mind and give you a relaxing sensation.

Do Aerobics or Meditate

Activities like aerobics promote the pumping of blood in your body. Better blood flow allows more oxygen to reach the brain. This means you will stay fresh during long hours of studying. Research shows that cardio can even improve your cognitive abilities. In addition to this, aerobic activities can improve your mood and reduce depression and stress. Some examples of aerobic exercise are brisk walking , cycling, running, and swimming.

Another activity that improves your grey matter is meditation. Meditation gives the impression of an overly complicated activity. However, you don't have to learn from a yoga guru to start meditation . Just sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take deep breaths and notice your breathing. Try to concentrate only on the flow of air through your body. You can also take help from youtube.


In addition to the techniques mentioned here, many other methods can help you concentrate on your task. We've tried our best to present you the most tried and tested methods for improved memory and focus. Try to incorporate these simple steps in your study routine and get better results. Remember, exams are a part of your life so do not take them lightly but also, not so seriously that it hurts you mentally. Strategize smartly and work hard to achieve your goals.

Author's Bio: 

Raj Malhotra is mangaing director of a Leading Institute, Raj Malhotra's IAS Study Group , that prepares the students for various top level competitive exams. He has an extensive experience in teaching history. He is known for his friendly and up-to-date teaching methods. He is a source of inspiration for thousands of students.