1. Lift Weights. There are two main rules you need to follow to gain weight, at least the good kind of weight (muscle). First you need to eat more. Second, lift weights. If you don't do some sort of strength training, you'll get fat instead of muscular. The only way to gain muscle is to incorporate strength training into your workout routine. If you're just starting out, go easy. Begin by going to the gym 3 times per week and working up to 4-5 times per week once your body is ready. If you don't have access to a gym, body weight exercises (push ups, pull ups, sit ups, no weight squats, lunges) can also help you gain weight.

2. Drink Milk. Remember, rule #1 to gaining weight is eating more. You can't just eat more of any food or you'll gain the wrong kind of weight. One food that's great for gaining weight is milk. It's high in complete protein, has a good deal of calories and is easy to take down. An easy way to significantly increase your calorie intake is to add a glass of milk to every meal and snack.

3. Eat Snacks. Another way to increase your daily calorie intake is to eat snacks throughout the day. It can be hard to stuff a lot of calories into one meal so snacking is a much easier way of eating more. Instead of making your already big meals even bigger, eat nuts, tuna, cottage cheese and chicken breasts as snacks to fill the void. Try picking snacks that are low in sugar and high in protein, complex carbs and vitamins & minerals.

4. Drink Protein Shakes. Protein is the building block of muscle tissue. After a workout, your body needs protein and sugar to help expedite the recovery process. Even with hard workouts, if you don't eat properly, you won't get stronger or gain weight. A protein shake is one of the best post workout meals because it contains protein and carbs that can be quickly digested to begin repairing damaged muscle tissue.

5. Eat Fruits and Vegetables. Through fruits and vegetables are often overlooked by those gaining weight, they do play a crucial role. Vitamins and minerals play important roles in energy metabolism, muscle tissue repair and protein synthesis. If you don't get all the nutrients you need each day, these processes will not function properly which will rob you of gains. Don't cheat yourself, eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables everyday.


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