Authenticity. You've seen it preached here countless times as a vital component to a home-run presentation. But what if the material you're delivering isn't your own?

A colleague recently auditioned to become a certified trainer for a well-known sales guru, delivering customized versions of his popular seminars under a licensing arrangement. Definitely a high-stakes scenario, as a successful audition would catapult Ernie's career to the next level.

After three coaching sessions, I asked Ernie to share his thoughts on key takeaways before he headed off to the big audition:

Lesson 1: Emulate, Don't Imitate As he looked out at his audience, the speaker looked at everyone - and I mean everyone. No one was left out. That meant he had to turn to his right, pause, return to the center, pause again, and then turn to his left. With each pause, he had direct eye contact -- the kind you'd have with a good friend while sharing a cup of coffee. It was sincere and natural.

Initially, Ernie thought that reproducing the delivery of his world-famous mentor would increase his changes of success. Instead, the lack of authenticity revealed itself in his discomfort with both the content and his delivery.

With that self-revelation, Ernie knew what he needed to do. He went home, reviewed all the material, and reorganized it in a way that was uniquely his own. In that one session, he experienced the difference between imitation and the real deal.

"I was exhausted trying to be someone I was not," explains Ernie. "This speaker has been himself for 60 years -- and I was trying to become him in 10 days."

In business, you may find yourself delivering a message that isn't your own -- filling in for another speaker at the last minute, or presenting the findings from someone else's research. Don't fall victim to the "imposter factor" and try to imitate someone else. As Ernie quickly discovered, the secret to success is recalibrating your perspective. No excuses ("Hey, it's not my material"), no imitation -- simply embrace the opportunity to make the information your own.

Lesson 2: Stay Internally Focused With 15 people auditioning, Ernie was tempted to focus on his fellow speakers rather than his own performance. What content would they choose? How would they deliver it? Dwelling on the competition guarantees that you'll become either intimidated or arrogant -- not exactly the paths to success.

Besides, Ernie already knew he was a contender or he would not have been invited to the audition. His goal was to demonstrate the skills that had gotten him there in the first place.

Rather than fixating on the abilities of others, instead concentrate on your own unique strengths -- and use them to knock that presentation out of the park.

Lesson 3: Spontaneity is Essential By the third coaching session, Ernie had his presentation down pat. The last element we addressed was the art of spontaneity -- making last-minute changes as needed. Rather than feeling "married" to the precise words on the page, Ernie instead needed to look for opportunities to make minor edits that would better reflect the needs and interests of his audience.

Don't get so tied to your script that you miss the chance to interject a spontaneous comment or to reflect on the discussion that is unfolding. That's one of the skills that distinguishes a brilliant speaker -- the ability to be flexible and incorporate relevant stories and quotes in "real time."

When it comes to great presentation skills, imitation is rarely flattering. Instead, let your authenticity shine through. For Ernie, his ability to make the materials his own earned him a stellar 9.5 rating - and a chance to live his dream to work side-by-side with his mentor.

Author's Bio: 

A strategic communication advisor, Stephanie Scotti helps people deliver winning presentation where the stakes are high . . . and results matter Drawing on her 25 years of coaching experience and 8 years of teaching presentation skills for Duke University, Stephanie understands what it takes to transform information into knowledge and knowledge into action that achieves results.

Stephanie has provided presentation coaching to over 3,000 individuals in professional practices, Fortune 500 companies, the highest levels of government officials, and international business executives.

An active member of National Speakers Association and an award-winning leadership professional, She also volunteers as a speaker or communications coach for non-profits such as the Red Cross and the Governing Institute of New Jersey. Stephanie holds a Bachelor’s in Speech Communications & Education and a Master’s in Organizational Communications & Business.