Your choice makes all the difference in the outcome.
Working with people who are angry, difficult and "acting out their pain" in life is probably one of the most amazing opportunities for you to practice the art of "taking nothing any human being says or does personally". Think about it, what would your life look like if you were able to remain connected to a place of safety within while being surrounded by a bunch of "sharks" in the work place? How would that shift your experience of peace in the midst of chaos? Believe me, it takes practice and a lot of inner dialog as you stand before a human who is throwing up all of their life frustrations in front of you. When you take the position of the "observer" vs. the "reactor" you give yourself the opportunity and space to choose your response. When you realize, truly realize and embrace the truth that any negative thing a human being does has everything to do with their past pain or fears of the future, you just happen to be in the way, you are truly free to identify and adjust your perception of the situation.
I encourage my clients to play the inner narrator, when surrounded by angry, frustrated people which actually becomes quite humorous: "Wow, look at this human being unloading all of their trash in front of me...look at how red their face is getting, that looks uncomfortable...I wonder how they got to be so angry in life?...Oh well, it has nothing to do with me, I'm not going to give them the power to rock my boat today." When you have a spirit of curiosity and fascination versus attachments and assumptions, you will find an endless reservoir of opportunity for learning and growth while staying grounded. Bottom line; don't give away to any human being what belongs between you and God, like your sense of self worth and inner confidence. One of my childhood lessons: You only feel inferior by your own consent; you can apply this to any emotional response. As you enter into each new day of life explore ways you can remain curious and fascinated about all aspects of life that unfold before you and notice how your perception of life shifts for the better.
Lauren E Miller

Author's Bio: 

Lauren E Miller

Google’s #1 Stress Relief Expert. Lauren has received national recognition in Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, CNBC, Lifetime and Discovery along with the International Journal of Healing and Care. With 10 years of proven experience and 18 years of intensive extended education in the areas of anxiety relief and stress reduction, Lauren works with men and women worldwide empowering them with techniques and skills to live life without stress using one on one coaching, teleseminars, seminars and workshops. As an international speaker, Lauren has shared the stage with some of today’s most inspirational speakers. Her third book: Release the Stress around Breast Cancer... with Methods and Mantras for the Mastectomies of Life, released in October 2011 and was written during her own journey through stage three breast cancer. The first book in the series is entitled: Release the Stress...5 Minutes to Stress Relief around the Craze of Life at Work and at Home. Her first book is an Amazon Best Seller and Indie Book Award Winner: Hearing His Whisper...a Journey through Cancer and Divorce. Lauren is currently working on the screenplay for her story, a dramedy (drama/comedy). Her recent book: 99 Things You Need to Know Before Stressing Out! ( ) is an International Best Seller: “This book will literally save lives.” Les Brown For more information please visit her website at: .