Have you experienced moments when everything seemed to “flow?” Moments when you didn’t have to struggle or force things to happen – as if a magic wand was leading the way?

For writers and journalers, “the flow” means having words literally flow effortlessly on the page versus a painful struggle from a resistant mind.

While many people have experienced writing or working “in the flow,” just as many people have not. So, I’ve taken the opportunity to research and collect various descriptions of what it means to actually be “in the flow.” We can then use this as a precursor to finding ways to consciously get in the flow and stay there!

The Flow is…

- feeling you are part of something greater and just moving along with the logic of the writing
- forgetting time with no fear of being not in control
- being carried by a current – spontaneous, effortless
- great inner clarity. A sense of security. Timeless intrinsic motivation
- peak experiences when we use all of our being
- a connection of heart
- feeling in tune with the rhythm of life

Most of these thoughts include verbs – thus evoking a sense of action. This is not a reactive – “it will come and go randomly” – type of experience. Being in the flow means completely involving oneself in an activity for its own sake. Time for me seems not to exist. Yet every thought or word seems to effortlessly follow the previous one. It’s an enjoyable, awe-inspiring experience, free from struggle. The result of my writings from the flow are often some of my most creative and productive work. At other times, the journaling can be breakthrough inspiring – leading me to a new personal perspective that had previously escaped me. So, how does one stay “in the flow” more often?

1)First of all, let’s understand from where “the flow” originates. The general consensus among writers and philosophers is that the source of the flow is within you. This is a part of every individual which can be fine-tuned and practiced. As such, it’s important to do a spot check before journaling/writing – Are your emotions in balance? Is there something on your mind that needs to be cleared before embarking on your writing or journaling? If so, address that issue first.

2)The practice of meditation helps with gaining an inner acceptance of how things are right now: being in the present moment. By eliminating a sense of judgment of our current life situation and emotions, we can breathe easy and relax more gently.

3)At attitude of gratitude brings great personal clarity. By consistently staying on the positive side of life, one can live a lighter life. Write in your gratitude journal often.

4)Finally, we can make a conscious choice to actually be “in the flow.” This type of simple affirmation can keep the words flowing and the journal pages turning, time after time.

As a package, these four perspectives make up a powerful conduit for sparking creative energy and reaching “the flow” more often.

Author's Bio: 

Debi Wacker is a Journal Coach and co-owner of  Write to Health , a creative writing adventure dedicated to helping people discover the healing benefits of journal writing. Write to Health’s journal circles explore and celebrate health through writing about spirituality, addiction recovery, cancer survivorship, life transition, grief process and life legacy. Write to Health’s online journal writing courses teach a variety of techniques including letter writing, clustering and lists. Inspirational blank journals and guided meditations complement the writing programs and help clients begin a writing practice in the comfort of their own homes. Debi is also co-author and publisher of The Sacred Purse, a collaborative book of women’s poetry and essays, and continues work on her first novel. She is president of LightSource Marketing, a marketing and business development consulting firm with offices in Virginia Beach and Washington D.C. Debi specializes in strategic and market planning, program design and development, and copywriting. Debi recently returned to the college campus as a part-time professor. Reach her at debi@writetohealth.com .