If you are thinking of becoming one of the 100,000 international students who will come to study this year (or any one of the multitude of subjects available), there are a few things you need to consider. Ignore the boring stuff like accommodation, flights, visas and enrolment forms; that can be dealt with later! This list gives you 5 top tips for how you can prepare for what will arguably be the best time of your life! Anything you'd like to add yourself? Comment in the box below and get involved.

1. Be Brave

Studying abroad is all about being brave and having the courage to try new, challenging things. If you have never been to London before, consider taking English courses in West London , but similarly, if you know London like the back of your hand, you should try something completely different and take courses in Edinburgh or Cardiff, for example. Make the most of your time abroad and be as brave as you can be. The life experiences learned during your time abroad, even if you encounter difficulties along the way, will stay with you for life.

2. Be Curious

Time abroad is all about trying new things. Leave no stone unturned. One good idea is to become a 'yes' man/woman! Say 'no' to nothing! This way, you will experience new things every day. Make new friends, join clubs and societies and try out new hobbies. You will probably only have the chance to live and study abroad once in your life so make the most of it and be as curious as you can be.

3. Be Outgoing

As in the point above, make sure you say 'yes' to as many new experiences as possible. The same goes with people and your social life. Meeting people when studying English in England is a sure fire way to improve your language skills and pick up the various little traditions, quirks and mannerisms of the English. Be as outgoing as possible and your language will improve, as well as your social life!

4. Be Organised

Your time studying English in England will be fun and social, but you should remember why you are there and organise your time well. This means not just taking care to meet all your class deadlines and to prepare well for your exams, but also to plan your time outside of the classroom well. How else are you going to fit in all those trips to various English seaside towns, art galleries, country pubs and bustling metropolis capital cities of the UK?

5. Be Adventurous

Your whole time abroad in England will be one big adventure, that is a given. The people who get the most of studying English in England (whether it's in a small village classroom in the Yorkshire Dales or taking an English course in West London in the bustling capital) are the people who remember to be adventurous all the time. Make the most of your time abroad and you will not regret it!

Author's Bio: 

I like to blog and write about education, making changes in your career and travelling to new parts of the world for new adventures. If you would like to comment on my work, discuss it or ask a question then please comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!