Content distribution displays a marketing effectiveness that most other forms of free online advertising fall short of. This particular online marketing strategy offers benefits that are not only longer lasting but also some that are hard to come by when marketing on the internet. Blogs in particular are at an advantage for being able to receive a wider range of benefits attributed to using content distribution for promotional purposes.

Here are 5 advantages and benefits a blog can receive from a well organize and frequently implemented content distribution campaign.

Makes Site Search Engine Friendly

When adding new content it is important to ensure that the right keywords are placed correctly. This makes it easier for search engines to identify any new information and thus reward you accordingly with a higher ranking.

Of equal importance is to maintain a consistency with the information you post and the theme of your site.

Broader Profile with Search Engines

Most blogs will contain many categories with many pages that contain information that obviously varies somewhat but still remains consistent with the theme of the site. Be sure all these entries are categorized correctly and linked to other pages according to their relevancy. If this is done properly you will have a fairly 'broad' profile with the search engines which will result in a larger 'net' with which to capture search engine traffic.

Updated Content Equals More Traffic

The more you update your blog the more search engines will come around to check out the new information you have added. Assuming that it is useful information that is properly optimized and relevant to your site you will be rewarded with more search engine traffic.

Fresh Content Increases 'Return' Traffic

Loyal readers like your content and return since you have conditioned them to expect updates. As long as you continue producing useful information on a regular basis this cycle will continue and your 'value' will increase in the eyes of your readers.

Credibility Increases

As the amount of useful information grows on your blog so does your reputation and credibility with readers. Credibility is a 'resource' that once earned can continue to return 'dividends' to you in the form of an increase in the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

The marketing effectiveness of content distribution as a free online advertising strategy offers advantages Blogs in particular are at an advantage to receiving more benefits from this online marketing strategy than conventional websites since they update their sites frequently. The 5 benefits we discussed above tend to serve as further testimony to the overall effectiveness of this strategy when marketing on the internet. Since information is king and content drives the internet it only makes sense to include content distribution into your marketing mix sooner rather than later.

Author's Bio: 

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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