An optimum mixture of proper diet and exercise can be your solution to achieve a flat belly and get great abs . Aiming for a perfectly toned, well shaped body or flat abs takes handwork, lots of self discipline and some self sacrifices. For many overweight people, their efforts in losing belly fat and attaining six-pack abs have been frustrating and unsuccessful.

Great care and excellent techniques are required to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Abdominal muscles consist of three layers. Closest to the surface are the internal and external obliques, which turn the trunk and provide the body with rotation and lateral movement. Next is the rectus abdominis, which flexes the spine. The very deepest layer is the transversus abdominis, which acts as the body's girdle, providing support and stability and plays a critical role in exhalation. Proper selection of abdominal exercise is necessary to make a workout more effective and avoid damage to each abdominal part.

Abdominal muscles are no different than any other muscle group. For your abdominal muscles to show, you have to shed the fat that lies on top. A simple method of weight loss that you can try is drinking plenty of water, as much as 8 glasses a day. Exercise alone is great for expending calories, but without watching your diet , it's going to be a long, hard road to getting that six-pack. Cardiovascular exercises increase your metabolic rate causing the fat burning capacity of your body to increase dramatically.


You are better off concentrating on cardio exercises, strength training, and your diet to obtain the best abs results. To avoid the gym rush, there are some alternative exercise routines to reduce fat and develop abdominal muscle into shape that do not require gym equipment and facilities.

You can simply perform these simple exercises at home where you will feel more relaxed and it will be more convenient as well. Performing some sets for each abdominal exercise and having sufficient rest will be an excellent way to achieve results quickly.


- Abs Crunch on an Exercise Ball.

- Traditional (Basic) Abdominal Crunch.

- Seated Oblique Twists with Medicine Ball.

- Half Curl.

- Long Arm Crunch.

- Reverse Crunch.

- Vertical Leg Crunch.

- Plank.

Try to perform only the desired amount of repetitions at first to avoid muscle pain. Increasing the amount of repetitions that you perform each week by 2, until you can comfortably perform 20 reps of each abdominal exercise will be good. You can choose from the exercise list to strengthen your lower, upper and oblique abdominal muscles. With a few well-chosen abs exercises, your dream for a flat belly and toned abs muscles will not be out of your reach.

Just remember, when we talk about developing the abs, exercises alone aren't enough. There are many exercises available for developing strong abs and building core strength, but few methods offered can truly lead to those results you are looking for. So what else can you do to get great abs? What do the fitness pros do and what can we learn from their methods?


In the Truth About Abs program, Certified Professional Trainer and Certified Nutrition Specialist Mike Geary shows people how anyone can finally achieve their goal to get great abs by adopting a formula of the right diet, exercise program and supplements. This program has helped many people who have tried but failed to get great abs . It clearly shows you simple activities to maintain a healthy muscle while burning body fat. I have personally found this easy program to mean the difference between a lot of huffing and puffing and truly amazing results. There is no doubt why this has become one of the most popular and effective six-pack solution around today.

Author's Bio: 

D. Burt has only been using this program for about 2 weeks and is already starting to see some exciting results. You can too. Watch this FREE presentation to see how simple and amazing it really easy is to get great abs! .