I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. On top of that, it seems as though there haven’t been enough hours in the day to accomplish all that’s on my “to-do” list.

Absolutely, I’ve been pushing myself to the max in recent weeks. And I can feel it mentally, emotionally, and physically. Have you ever been in the midst of such circumstances? Perhaps you are right now.

Coping during such times becomes a genuine challenge. And for me it becomes a personal game. Just how much can I heap upon myself? And the heck with coping, my goal is to excel.

Are we tough on ourselves, or what?

Given the load over the past few days I’ve been pondering my mental and emotional reserves, and a metaphor has come to mind. I’d like to share it with you.

I’ve been visualizing a reservoir in my mind. I’m sensing a large body of water that serves several purposes. First of all, my reservoir has the ability to retain my mental and emotional overflow when the rains become heavy. When the gutters and downspouts become full it’s comforting to know I have a means of accommodating the excess.

And my reservoir allows me to draw from it when my mental and emotional resources are low.

Of course, in addition to my reservoir serving me, I have to serve it in return. And that’s a process of careful monitoring and action so severe droughts and overflows don’t occur.

Well, it’s the holiday season. And for many of us the times are mentally, emotionally, and physically charged. If there was ever a time to introduce this reservoir metaphor into your life, I’m thinking now is a good one.

Make it a matter of visualization. Create an image of your reservoir in your mind. Don’t just settle for some meaningless mass of water. Paint a picture to your liking. Maybe you have, or had, a favorite lake or pond in your life. If not, create such a snapshot.

Visualize its water level rising and falling as you draw from, and pour into, it. And visualize nurturing your reservoir, as you respond to its needs.

Life can become extraordinarily complicated for many of us. And we need to know we’re not without resources and alone. The concept of a wonderfully giving and receiving body of water can fill that role. And the magic of visualization brings it to life.

When will you paint your image?


Author's Bio: 

After a winning bout with panic disorder, a career in the business world, and a part-time job working with socially challenged adolescents, Bill found his life's passion and work. So he earned his master's degree and counseling credentials, and is doing all he can to lend a hand to those having a tough time.

Bill has some powerful anxiety-relieving audio and mentoring products available on his blog. So much good stuff! Why not stop by and participate at http://panicattackology.net

In addition to doing psychiatric emergency work, Bill continues to do a lot of writing and speaking. He's conducted numerous mental health workshops for non-profit organizations and remains available to present more. Bill is a national and local member of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (N.A.M.I.).