Why does it seem that the Law of Attraction isn't working for you--even though you're making an effort and following all the rules? You visualize till the cows come home, you try to feel good, but your life attracts turmoil and chaos instead of the peace and abundance that's arranged neatly on your vision board. The reason for this is rather simple, but it requires getting clear on which part of "you" we're referring to. It also requires diving deeper into the "you." Because even though the part of you that's your human personality, your conscious mind or psyche (sometimes lumped together and referred to as your "ego") may work hard at getting the Law of Attraction right, ultimately it's your "higher self" that's in charge of how your life goes.

Moreover, if the Law of Attraction isn't working for you it isn't necessarily because you're doing something wrong, it isn't that you're not good enough, and it's not because you don't deserve your heart's desire. (So get that nonsense out of your head.) It's just that your higher self has a plan for your life that's grander, more impressive, and perhaps more adventurous than your limited human consciousness is able to see right this minute. And even though this plan may appear to take you on numerous detours, ultimately the plan is more perfect than your limited human mind is capable of conceiving at the moment.

In other words, there seems to be a disconnect between your higher self's goals and your lower self's goals. And indeed, your higher self has priorities that seem to be directly in contrast with your lower self. The higher self's main priority is to learn and grow emotionally and spiritually, whereas it's human nature to prefer to avoid the things that cause the most growth. (This will probably be the case as long as the lower self is unaware of the higher self's agenda.)

So if your higher self is actually the one in charge, what can you really do? Does anything matter? Is there anything that can be done?

Absolutely yes, and it's also imperative for your success that you do something. What's required is getting into a relationship with and learning to trust your higher self. When your relationship with your higher self is at least as real to you as any of your other relationships, when you trust it at least as much as you trust anyone outside yourself, this is when "critical mass" occurs. This is when you get "aligned." You will also reduce your fear and anxiety because you'll begin to understand life from the perspective of the part of you that's in charge, that's in touch with the deeper truths of life and how things work here. (And when you get aligned with your higher self, all these concepts will become much clearer to you.)

Want life to get easier? Connect to your higher self. Want more synchronicity, flow and the magic of Interconnectedness in your life? Connect to your higher self. Your higher self is your access point to your higher life plan, your hidden gifts, and Interconnectedness.

So try to relax and trust and follow through on your inner inspiration . Follow through daily. (That's what the "higher beings" I was in contact with through a gifted medium told me when I was going through a difficult time.) I can honestly now say that I am grateful for having lived through it, and I feel this will be the case for you as well.

Author's Bio: 

Are you ready to fast track your spiritual awakening and finally live the life of your dreams? Get your free Spiritual Awakening Process Quick Start Guide at http://www.ChristineHoeflich.com/ and discover how to rev up your intuition, access your inner shaman, and fulfill your divine purpose. Christine Hoeflich is the author of The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light and Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir , available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback / hardcover versions.