I would like to share with you something I have come up with called the flexibility factor. I came up with this idea from seeking peace within tension without allowing myself to be moved from the path I was trying to travel. Here is how it happened.

Over the last few days I have noticed an increase tension around myself and those I interact with. Rather than stepping back and trying to see what may be the cause of this tension I have continued to ignore it and move forward with the expectation that everyone will just get over whatever it is that is causing them to create this undue tension.

Then the reality hit me, if I am noticing all this tension then maybe the factor in this equation is me. So I stepped back and noticed much of my tension, my daughter’s tension, the co-owner of my company’s tension and the investment company’s tension is a direct result of expectations.

Expectations we place on others, expectations others place on us and worst are the expectations we place on ourselves. In the business world and in life there are certain expectations that can’t be ignored. The expectation to obey the laws set forth, the expectation that if we do our jobs we will received our agreed upon salary, however, there are then those unspoken expectations.

If they cared they will do this, if they appreciated me they would do that, I deserve this, I deserve that. When these unspoken expectations aren’t met we become hurt or angry. The Dalai Lama said “I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.”

To me he meant there are moments that we will not have those expectations met, maybe the boss doesn’t acknowledge you are the reason an account was acquired. Possibly your spouse didn’t remember something important to you, however, do not let this hinder your path of happiness or love.

There are numerous companies today that offer flexibility. The one I think of is the cell phone company with the roll over minutes. If you don’t use all your minutes you can keep them for the month that you exceed your expected minutes. The key here is flexibility.

Tom Robbins said, “Stay committed to your decision, but stay flexible in your approach.” If you’re committed to succeed at a company and aren’t getting the feedback you want rather than focus on the company’s failed expectations to motivate you, change your approach. Apply the flexibility factor. For example if my daughter isn’t meeting my expectations I could discuss them with her and stay flexible, maybe there’s anther approach that allows everyone to win. As a single mother I have learned to be flexible, to change my ideas and expectations without hindering my path or my commitment.

Author's Bio: 

Ms. Nordyke is mom to the beautiful Cassie. She enjoys cooking, music, movies, creative writing, and most of all creating new adventures with family and friends. She aspires to excellence and approaches every venture and relationship in her life with her full heart and dedication. Visualizing this life was the genesis of Waves of Gratitude and what a company focused on inspiration could do.

Ms. Nordyke’s business experience includes more than 24 years of management, sales, and new business development experience. Her related accomplishments include: new business development and territory expansion; strategic planning, and market research activities; customer service and public relations. Ms. Nordyke was the driving force in establishing alliances between a software technology company and larger corporations, such as Harley-Davidson, Lexus, Toyota, and BMW. Ms. Nordyke is a member of Cambridge’s Who’s Who and has earned certification in business management from the Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie training programs. She attended Sacramento City College in Sacramento, California, and has attended several business management courses.