The chakras are energy 'wheels' that are part of the human being's energetic body. They are not visible to the average man - but, as a person begins to develop his inner senses, an amazing and fascinating world opens before him.

This new world which is now visible is not just the world of the astral or emotional plane, with its many denizens of elementals, ET's and thoughtforms, but the world of the chakras. And the chakras reveal, to the deepest level, the truth of the person they are the extension of - thus showing the faculties that have developed within that person through many life-times and, most importantly, the present incarnation.

Instead of looking at a person through only the physical eyes and seeing the mere physical attributes of that being, the newly developed ?man' sees things that have previously been hidden from him or her. Emotions expressed as colour, health as seen through colour and the incessant movement of the chakras clearly indicate the spiritual development of the human.

This ?inner sight' that enables a person to see the chakras is not imaginary nor restricted to certain people, it is available to every human as we already have the faculty to do this. We just need to develop the skill and one of the ways to attain this is through awareness. The more you can learn theoretically about these ancient wheels of light, the more you can begin to imagine what they look like. And, if you can imagine what they look like, then you can start to see their true essence.

Of course, there are many people in this world who deny the existence of such things as chakras and auras or even that a human has an energy body. However, just because something is not in plain sight does not necessarily mean that it doesn't exist - just think of the billions of bacteria that inhabit your skin! It behoves us to keep an open mind and to look more closely and deeply into the world that we inhabit.

Author's Bio: 

Liz McCaughey is the founder of Kumara Meditation & Healing Centre in Perth, Western Australia. The centre offers deeper theosophical studies, meditation & healing, reiki, kabbalah and pranic healing. Since 2003 she has taught hundreds of people how to meditate from basic to advanced levels. Visit for more information.