The "7 Day Mental Challenge" is designed to help you practice two of the skills necessary for living a life filled with happiness and success; "awareness" and "controlling and directing your thinking."

Like a muscle, your mind needs constant exercise to grow and stay in shape. This challenge is a form of exercise for your mind. And believe me, it IS a challenge!

Unfortunately the "mental exercise " the majority of people get on a regular basis is unhelpful. It usually has the opposite effect of what they truly need to experience a great life. It reinforces the very thing they don't want, "negativity."

In fact, research shows that most people's thoughts are negatively focused more than 70% of the time. Yikes!

If your thoughts are predominantly negative, how do you suppose that impacts the decisions you make and the actions you take?

Do you think it moves you effectively in the direction of your dreams and goals?

Do you think it helps you experience desirable emotions?

Of course it doesn't! It's just a habitual pattern you've grown accustom to, and it CAN be changed.

Okay, if you're feeling up to the task, here are the rules of the challenge:

The goal is to go 7 complete days without dwelling on a negative thought for more than 5 minutes at a time. In other words, for 7 days, refuse to let any negative thoughts linger in your mind longer than 5 minutes.

When you find yourself dwelling on a negative thought or situation, you must change your focus towards something that will get you into a more resourceful state.

If you dwell on the negative for more than 5 minutes, you must start the entire challenge over again the next morning, beginning at "Day 1."

Remember, to complete the challenge you must go 7 days in a row without getting stuck in a negative thinking pattern for more than 5 minutes at a time!

This exercise will help you begin uncovering some of the mental habits that have held you back in life. I guarantee that after successfully completing the challenge you will feel more confident in your ability to control your mind, and thus your life.

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About the Author: Kim Smith is a Life Coach who passionately helps people learn and master the skills and strategies they need to experience the peaceful, happy, satisfying lives they want and deserve. Find out more at