Even the best bridezilla will require an emergency kit at some point during her wedding day. Indeed, the whole wedding extravaganza is not yet finished until the bride says goodbye to her guests to leave for her and her hubby's honeymoon. So, always being prepared like a good Girl Scout is the best way to ensure that the wedding ceremony and the subsequent wedding reception can proceed with nary a hint of a hitch.

Role of the Bridesmaid

So, the next question will be: Who prepares and then brings the wedding day emergency kit? The simple and logical answer is the bridesmaid, of course, for obvious reasons. You have the responsibility to ensure that the bride has everything she requires on her wedding day including the little things to patch up potentially serious problems.

Since there will be many bridesmaids in the wedding entourage, it is best to assign one who will organize and carry the bag containing the emergency kit. This way, everything is contained in just one bag instead of everybody scrambling to find the bridesmaid with, say, the bobby pins.

And speaking of bag, we suggest a small travel bag with many compartments. You will then be able to find the required object at the soonest possible time because everything is organized inside the bag.

Recommended Things

Let's go on to the recommended things that should be found in the wedding emergency kit. We can suggest the following things based on their relation to the most common wedding day mini-disasters.

• Attire - Anything and everything has been known to happen to the wedding finery of both the bride and the female members of her entourage. Be ready with a needle and thread kit in the bag in many sizes and colours, respectively. The sewing kit must also include small scissors, fabric tape, safety pins, spot remover, wet and dry wipes, handkerchiefs, and even extra lace, satin and silk roses. Just in case somebody needs it, pack in extra pantyhose and napkins.
• Cosmetics - The bride must look beautiful on her wedding day and you have a hand in it. Be sure to pack in essentials like hairbrush, comb, bobby pins, hair clips, hair elastics and hair spray for the hairdo; clear nail polish, nail cutter and nail file for the nails; small makeup kit with powder, lipstick, blush, mascara and eye shadow for quick touch-ups; and baby powder, perfume, deodorant and lotion to ward off bad smells and dry skin.
• Health - The bride's good health is a very important part of a great wedding. You must pack in a small first aid pouch with the bride's essential medication for allergies, headaches and upset stomach. Just to be on the safe side, bring along antiseptics, band aids, cotton swabs, eye drops, smelling salts, mints, toothpaste, toothbrush, floss and mouthwash.

You may also need to bring a small bottle of water and crackers for the bride. If there is still room in the bag, lighter, glue and disposable cash are also good things to throw inside. Also, talk with the bride about her other ideas of what should go into the emergency kit. It is for her sake in the first place so she must have a say about it.

Author's Bio: 

Karine Hart, Marriage Celebrants based in Berwick services all Melbourne Suburbs and surrounds. I am available for Wedding Ceremonies Melbourne, renewal of vows and commitment ceremonies. I am a young and vibrant Wedding Celebrants