Very few people are even aware of this "overlooked" vitamin. Do you know much about it? It's critical to good health. Here's a few of the facts that make it so important:

1. About of 80% of the Vitamin K that you need is actually manufactured by the "friendly" (but lethal) bacteria that is in your digestive system (gut). It is now estimated that at least 75% of the US population does NOT have a good working gut.

2. Vitamin K is the precursor needed to make two blood hormones. One clots blood when wounded, and the other stops clotting. If cut or wounded, both work to initially flush out the wound, and then to clot. Most people do not bleed enough to flush the cut/wound today.

3. If your gut isn't working correctly, then a "priority" system works, and it is more important to clot wounds, so the hormone that stops clotting is "shorted".

4. If you are cut or wounded, a clot. or piece of one, may break off and go to the heart, and cause a heart attack. Or, go to the brain and cause a stroke.

5. Prescription antibiotics all are made from yeast/fungus, and attack the friendly bacteria in the gut, but don't affect the fungus and yeast, so this leads to an imbalance in the gut. Antibiotics have saved lives, but there is this "downside" which is not well known, and Candida (yeast overgrowth) has become an epidemic unknown to most.

Years ago, Abram Hoffer (President of the Orthomolecular Society) and I discussed how we could find statistics for stroke and heart attack prior to the discovery of antibiotics, but decided that no such statistics could be found at this date. You see, given that 80-90 percent of the population does not have a fully functioning gut system BECAUSE of antibiotics, they are short in this overlooked vitamin. Very few people take supplemental Vitamin K, and from the above, most should.

What is a good gut system that provides sufficient vitamin K? How can you tell if you have such?

The first clue is "how much does your body smell"? Do you need deodorants? Do you have bad breath? Do your farts smell? If your gut is working as it's supposed to, the answers to all 3 questions is "no". If anyone is "yes", then your gut isn't quite right.

How do you get it right? That's a bit different for every individual, but the general answer is enough probiotics (Lactobacillus Acidophilous) to restore the balance between bacteria and yeast/fungus in your gut. Any time you take an antibiotic from Big Pharma, it is made from yeast/fungus. It may help you with a bacteria infection in your body, but when it gets to the gut, it kills off the bacteria there that is doing the work, and the yeast starts taking over the areas normally "reserved" for that bacteria, and less and less of various items manufactured by that bacteria are made. This includes Vitamin K, and several other vitamins, and also provides the "intrinsic factor" that allows Vitamin B12, (a very complex vitamin) to get into the body.

So, antibiotics (from Big Pharma) are not only life saving, but also dangerous to your health. There are alternatives. First, there is plain cheap ascorbic acid Vitamin C. It kills bacteria and virus cells in the blood stream. Since both bacteria and virus cells use a binary system, and multiply by doubling every 20 minutes or so, it simply takes large amounts of vitamin C to even begin to control such infections. As an example, whenever I even feel that I might be getting a virus cold or flu, I start taking 4000mg every 15 minutes, and usually, by the first half hour or so, I'm completely free of the virus. Vitamin C does not destroy the bacteria in the gut, as it passes out via the urine pathway.

There is another antibiotic that attacks both bacteria and yeast, but there's no patent, so Big Pharma discourages MD's and hospitals from using it. It's Colloidal Silver, and IMO, it is the best attack against the "superbugs" that are mutations resistant to normal antibiotics. It's been used against MRSA and other super bacterias successfully. Big Pharma would like to suppress that information.

So, going back to getting your gut balanced with good bacteria colonies. The best way is to overwhelm the yeast fungus with Acidophilous. The usual ratio I use is 10% of your weight is the number of capsules you need to work up to. (If you weigh 150 pounds, use 15 capsules at one time.)

Do that dosage every other day for 5 times with a day between. However, start much smaller with 2-5 capsules first to see if you get cramps and gas from killing off the yeast. I get only 5-8 billion bacteria capsules from the fridge at my local health food store.

Wait for a day, and see if there are cramps or gas (indicating the killing of yeast which makes for methane gas). If none, or small reaction, go to the 10% figure of capsules every other day for at least 5 times or until your feces looks very light in color, and has much less smell. That should take from 5 to 10 steps in the series with one day in between.

Now, any time that you notice body smell or bad breath smell, take one dose, and if that is not enough, go to two doses. Of course, repeat the whole regimen whenever you take any prescribed antibiotic.

If you do the above, here's a few of the benefits of a good gut:

1. Much less chance of a stroke or heart attack from a clot.

2. Dangerous deodorants are not needed except in rare cases.

3. Much better health with B12 and other vitamins in good supply.

Author's Bio: 

Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30+ years)
Inventor of inexpensive Neuroliminal Therapy
NT Solves ADD-Autism, Depression, and much more -