As numerous companies know buying a commercial van can be really expensive, so it may be a better idea to lease a Ford Transit van instead.

Leasing a van has an advantage over buying as there are plenty of positives for a company that uses a small or even a large fleet.

So if you are thinking about acquiring Ford Transit company vehicles then look through some of the benefits below from Yellow Hire, before you make your final decision.

1) Firstly, leasing can be much cheaper. A leasing company can help to save you a lot of money and not just when it comes to leasing costs. If you hire then your company can also save a large amount of money on maintenance and repairs, as leasing companies will carry out their own checks on the van. This could save you thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, depending on the extent of your fleet.

2) Choice, choice, choice. Leasing companies can offer you a wide variety of Ford Transit vans with add -ons such as decent storage space and side doors and any other feature that your company might need. As this includes many of the more popular commercial vans then you are sure to find the right type of Ford Transit van for your business.

3) You could drive a brand new Ford Transit van. A van hire facility gives you the opportunity to drive a luxury vehicle, which otherwise you may not be able to think of driving. When you lease a Ford Transit van, you are only paying for a part of it; so you end up saving a considerable amount of money. This also enables you to create a good impression with your clients by hiring a stylish and expensive vehicle instead of a van that looks pre-owned and battered.

4) Convenient payment options. Leasing companies have a variety of payment options that can suit your company, making the entire process easy to manage. This means that you can take out a Ford Transit van lease for a short or long leasing term and decide your own payment plan. As well, monthly payments can be reduced further through a deferred purchase for of van rental called lease purchase. Under lease purchase, your monthly bill is kept artificially low in return for the business agreeing to make a final 'balloon' payment at the conclusion of your lease period. This can save your company a lot of money.

5) Flexibility. If you lease then you can usually switch vehicles whenever you want, perhaps deciding to rent a van one year and then taking out a new Van Hire Glasgow deal, perhaps from Yellow Hire, the following year. This is perfect if your company's needs are likely to change in the coming year, perhaps if your company is on the cusp of an expansion.

6) Leasing companies have a fantastic service team. Leasing companies have devoted service teams that can adapt to your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the best possible service and making sure that any problems are rectified immediately. This all means that if any problems do arise then you'll be in good hands.

Now that you've learnt some of the benefits of hiring a commercial Ford Transit van, all that's left to do is shop around see if you can discover the right van and hiring company for your particular needs.

Author's Bio: 

Van Hire Glasgow - Maintaining an organised workplace is my key responsibility - I've created numerous ways to categorise records to ensure that items can always be found easily. I monitor company correspondence, complete paperwork and ensure the business runs as efficiently as possible. I think it's vital to create a solid foundation before any enterprise can begin new tasks.