Awakening the source of your happiness is about letting go of the idea that you are waiting for something or holding yourself back. It is about being present with where you are in life. It is about connecting to your true self and letting yourself be you just as you are. All of these things are interconnected and are important in finding our own happiness in life. Without knowing our true selves, without remaining present and therefore constant in our own life, we are missing what is real. By seeing who we are and where we are meant to be, we unleash our happiness .

When we are always looking for more, waiting and holding ourselves back by this idea, we are never content with where we are in our life. Acceptance and true presence is the key to happiness. Acceptance involves forgiveness , letting go of control, trusting, opening up, and letting go of what was before and what you feel should be. You can see the turmoil we must cause in our life by not accepting what is, what was, or what may be. When we are present in the moment, we can be because we are not struggling against it. When we are present and balanced within, we open ourselves up to everything else. This is where our happiness flows in. When we let go of want, when we let go of the idea that happiness is connected to desire, we are then free to be happy just as we are. When we let go of the idea that we must be in control for things to work, we open up to being okay with whatever is.

When we forgive our past, we let it go, along with all that is connected to it. When we no longer decide how the future must be, we allow ourselves to be happy no matter what comes. Freedom is then being just where you are and how you are with full acceptance of what is. By doing so, the source of your happiness is already with you and all around you. Happiness is not something to strive for, nor is it unattainable. It is forever with you, buried under the barrage of ideas we correlate with it. If we then drop all of these ideas, happiness is there.

Remember what it felt like as a child, before we believed happiness could only be attained if or when something occurred? Happiness was a given, it was a part of your daily life. It was always with you. And if you lost it for a moment, it was soon to be found again because you were present and accepting of what was. There was nothing holding you back from the belief that happiness was a part of your life always; it was a constant. Now as adults, we tend to think happiness is something we lose and must find again, but this is not true. It is always with us. We have simply decided upon the rules of how it can be gained or held onto. When we let go, it is there. It is with us, underneath all that we believe is holding it back.

Author's Bio: 

Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life, to help others release what is holding them back, and to find their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment.
Open up to the inner peace you will find when you finally see yourself , your true self . Find yourself and learn how to become one with your destiny , truly be in the moment , and reach enlightenment at Answers in Writing .