Last week the dices were thrown and this week is time to see the results, understanding the "why's" and wherefore's, and putting the pieces back in a more meaningful manner.This is the time of building bridges, of uniting and understanding, what the bleep is going on. Realize the changes in the outside and make sure to change in the inside, too!
We have to build bridges between the conscious and the unconscious mind. It is about uniting the me and the others, the inside and the outside. During the recent weeks the cup has been filled to reach the peak.
We cannot ignore the large shift happening on the 21st of December 2012. The shift is building up! More and more things happen in a shorter period of time. Did you ever ask yourself why so many people a currently living on this planet? They are here because the wanted to participate in the time of the big shift.
Right now we live in the 3rd dimension of cause and karma. Now we reach out for the 4th dimension. We realize that relationship means give and take. We reach a greater awareness which includes coming to peace with Mother Earth. She can live without us, but we can only exist in the perfect conditions she gives us. And we still exploit her and ruin our living conditions. Wake up and help to stop the disaster!
Issues are coming up from the unconsciousness and it needs to be dealt with. If you resist, you ruin yourself – get sick, depressive or become suicidal. You will never be free if you do not solve these issues. Dig down deep into feelings of grief , loss, jealousy and love. Change your believe systems. I can only encourage you to investigate, have more communication with yourself and others. Go for consultation as well.
You have to take the responsibility of what other people are dishing at you! They are only a mirror!
Now it is time to restore harmony. If you have been feeding yourself with resentments and jealousy, it is ugly to look at these belief systems. Come into a space of gratitude and humility!
We have reached the collective time and have to work with and for each other. Bring the law of give and take into a balance. Consciously talk about your dark side. Talk deep as there are no more secrets. As nothing keeps hidden in the public you can no longer hide your deep dark secrets as they no longer serve you. Get it all up on the table and rewrite the past to get into a new future.
Go into gratitude and set up a conscious relationship with Mother Earth. It is high time to respect her as a living creature.
This is the Mantra for this week:
“When I see that life gives me just what I need, whether joyous or painful, in order to see. I stop getting angry and start to give thanks, rewiring the circuits of my memory banks."
Angela Schulz-Henke is a success and business coach. She loves to see her clients thrive and live a fulfilled life.
Her mentor is John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton and for marketing Chris Cardell and Michael Gerber.
She just founded a Business Coaching Company with 2 other ladies to coach small companies and people who want to set up their own business or improve their business in a rapid changing market.