Is it too much to ask you to slow down and stay in the moment?

What does that even mean?

Have you noticed during the day when things are going right and you’re feeling happy and all of a sudden something happens? You don’t know what happened; you only know that now you’re sad, and possibly angry and disappointed.

When this happens the most common response is you go through the rest of the day feeling -- you guessed it! -- sad, angry and disappointed. You stay that way until something good happens and then the cycle repeats.

Yes, this is a cycle. It happens all the time, and like in the scenario above, often there is no learning going on. I call this living on cruise control.

Is your life like this? If so, do you feel like something is wrong with you? Don’t worry. There is nothing wrong with you. You just don’t know what you don’t know.

Let me shed a little light on the subject. What happened in the story above is that you blamed other people and situations for how you felt. You made them responsible for your happiness . When you do this you give all your power away. What you are actually doing is letting other people and circumstances determine what your day and life will look like.

What is the gain for you when you let this happen? One gain could be, you don’t have to be responsible; instead you can blame others for what happens in your life. Does this sound like a “gain” you really want in your life?

Does this sound like anybody you know? Someone you know quite well?

Ok, let’s rewind and play this story over again. This time when you’re feeling happy and things are going your way. Then all the sudden something happens; you stop and stay right there. You ask yourself questions like…

What just happened?

What shifted?

What is now going on inside of me right now?

Where in my body am I feeling it?

When you stay in the moment there is so much richness and learning right where you are. When you first try this, because this is so foreign to you, it will feel a little weird. But when you practice staying in the moment, you will learn so much about yourself and so much about the other people in your life you will wonder how you ever got along without doing this.

This great tool will create better relationships in all areas of life. And when you have better relationships, you live a happy, fulfilled and successful life.

The next time something happens and you notice a shift, stay in that moment and notice what’s going on. Be curious about it. Take time to experience it. Learn from it.

Author's Bio: 

Curt Gorlick, The Life Choice Strategist, is an expert coach on mind set and successful life skill strategies. Curt helps baby boomer’s live happy, fulfilled, and successful lives. Curt provides proven steps to help people who are tired of living a life filled with frustration and disappointment. He knows what that’s like. He used to live it, but now he lives the life he loves. To get your Complimentary 7-Step Success Mind Set Course, visit