Mind illusions are largely based on optical illusions. These refer to images that are perceived visually yet the perception by the individual is different from the objective reality. The data that the brain puts together processes something that does not correspond with the actual physicality of the stimulus that it has been presented with.

There are three types of mind appearance or impression. The first is the literal illusion. This is when the mind creates an image that is completely different from the actual objects that it has been presented with. The second type is the physiological one. These come about when the brain has been exposed to excessive stimuli of a specific kind, for example light or color. The third type is when the brain and the eyes make separate unconscious inferences when it comes to a set of stimuli that they have been presented with. These types of cognitive imaginary visions are also recognized as mind games.

After images is what constitutes the bane of physiological mind illusions. These are the images that immediately appear in the mind after the brain has been exposed to excessive stimuli for example very bright lights. The process that causes this is based on how the brains neurons work. The mind has neural paths that are specifically dedicated for certain types of stimuli. When these neural paths are constantly bombarded with one form of stimuli without giving them a chance to process the information, a physiological imbalance occurs in the brain. This in turn changes the way the mind will perceive that stimuli hence the mind illusion.

Cognitive illusions, on the other hand, arise from the way an individuals mind has been trained throughout the person’s life. Cognitive illusions are unconscious inferences completely based on the individual’s perception of the world. There are several types of cognitive mind illusions. The first is the ambiguous illusion. Ambiguous are objects or images that make the mind interpret them in two or more different ways. Another one is Distorting these are illusions that alter the physicality of the subject that is being perceived by the brain, for example length, height, width and so on, as if your eyes are tricked. While paradox deceives the brain into believing something that cannot be fathomable or instance of having a wrong idea. Lastly, there are fictional that are perceived by singular individuals. The illusion that they are seeing does not exist in physical form. Fictional are also known as hallucinations.

Mind illusions are a great way for an individual to flex their mind power . They enable a person to realize cannot perceive for us what is true as they are just a medium for sight. The brain then has to process the information and come up with something that the individual will, understand. This can be used to train the individual that not to take everything they see at face value. They are a valuable way to learn how to doubt ad also question the context in which reality is presented to us.

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