The Price of Success: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

How individuals pay the price of success: As humans we want rewards without putting in the hours. We want to reap the crops of success without seeding first. We tend to desire riches without making our mindset rich first. We tend to expect the external world to gives us success while we are not successful internally.While that is so highly impossible everything has a price.Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

To achieve success we need to know that success will not just be handed to us without obeying the law found by Newton. Which states that for every action the is an equal and opposite reaction. And the price of success is found here.

We can use this principle to pay the price of success. How? By understanding that we cannot get pleasure without paying the price first just like we can’t go to a shop owner and demand him to give us what we like in his shop without paying him first.

That is the same as success, if you want to achieve success you need to be willing to pay the price of success first. When Newton says every action has an equal reaction, he refers to the price of success. When he says it has an equal or opposite reaction, he refers to the pleasure we get after paying the price of success.

The price of success

There are two prices of success we have to pay if we want to achieve success in life. Most of the successful people we know love and respect paid their prices for success. Below I want to state the two prices of success we have to pay.

Price #1 Time

The first price of success is time, if you are not willing to pay this price I do not know how you can have success in your life because everything as far as it is concern it wants time. You need time to wake up in the morning you need time to eat you need time to get to work or to your business you need time to relax and all that. Same applies to success. Success wants time it wants you to give it time so as it may come to you and give you a better life. If you will be willing to put in the hours and work towards attaining success. Success shall make you a better human who wants other humans to be best.Example: Colonel Sanders the man who started Kentucky Fried Chicken didn’t achieve the success of KFC the minute he started it. He had to pay the price of success by being rejected for 1009 times. In order words he receive 1009 “no's"before he finally got his first yes. And that was his price ofsuccess which demanded his time because every no he got wanted him to go back and spend some time looking for a better deal. And that was his price of success but after paying the price the opposite reaction was emerged and that was success.

There is as great book by Malcolm Gladwell entitled Outliers; The story of success. This book states that to make a measure breathrough in life you need to have spend 10 000 hours working on whatever you what to breakthrough with and that is a lot of time. Why am I mentioning the book? It is because it states exactly that the price of success is time. It is indeed a great book I will suggest you read it if you have read it.

the price of success

Price #2 Temporal defeats

Temporal defeats are what is known as failure by those who are quitters. Let me tell you something you are not a failure even if you are failing in your endeavor. When you are met with temporal defeats that is not failing. It is just a signal of how bad you want something and how stronger you have to be before you get what you want because every temporal defeat come with a lesson and when you get and understand the lesson of why you are temporally defeated you become more smarter and wiser than before. You become strong and powerful because now you have learnt a priceless lesson which is not found in school. A lesson which will make you to get riches.A quitter sees temporal defeat as failure but a persistent person sees temporal defeat as a price that he has to pay so as he may become wiser and smarter in achieving success. To be temporally defeated means it means that you are on the correct path and you still need to learn some few things before you can get what you want.

Temporal defeats are just the to help you learn along the way. They are not the to prevent you from being successful but they are there to provide you will what you need to know about what you are doing

Okay I got the two prices I have to pay to achieve success, what's next?

These are the two prices every individual was created to pay before he can achieve success, and if the individual can pay these two price success will come to him in abundance . If you can take a moment and think about all the people who have acquired success. You will see that all of them have paid the these two price. And these two prices are like twice you can't pay the one without the other.

When you are temporally defeated it requires time to come back to the land of riches. Therefore it is important to consider these two prices you have to pay to get anything you want in life. If you can be willing to put in the hours(time) while accepting your mistakes(temporal defeats) with the desire to learn from them. You will create what is called magic and do amazing things on planet earth.

NB: If I was not simply enough in explaining the price of success in this blog post because of my wording or ant related factor. But please just get this point I was trying to make because it is indeed the key to major success in your life.

The point I was trying to get across is: In order to success In whatever you what you need to spend huge amount of time on it with the desire to fail countless times (temporal defeats) until you succeed in it because time and temporal defeats are the only two things you have to conquers before you can be successful.

Author's Bio: 

Simphiwe A. Mokwena is a spirited young man who has profound insight about how individual turn to attain success in life as he has studied and still studies the minds of successful people while he is accumulating large amount of success as well for the benefit of all involved.
He is so passionate about helping people to discover the mechanism behind success because he believes that if you want to want pizza you must know the receipt first.Visit: to find out more about him.