Article Title: The Power Of Beliefs and The Success Mind
Author Name: Craig Eubanks
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Web Site: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005GGMAW4
The submitter's blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at http://craigsblogs.wordpress
Other Articles by the submitter are available at: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/user/15565
and http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/profile.cfm?writerid=981
(Personal growth, self help
, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration
and money management, how boring now, craig)
I am sharing this great article by Craig Eubanks, that I came across in my records in the spirit of sharing knowledge and insights. I hope that it may be informative and perhaps uplifting to you too. (As in sharing, I also learn) This article (as with all my articles) may be freely published. Thanks Craig E
"Through sharing what we know, we all may grow along life's often difficult, but often mysterious and always amazing journey."
The Power Of Beliefs & The Success Mind
by Craig Eubanks, Act Now International LLC
"There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking."-- Alfred Korzbyzki
One of the most common scenarios involving obtaining wealth, is coming up against someone's belief. This is also one of the most difficult objections to overcome as beliefs have a lot of emotion attached to them. This is why rapport and knowing how to soften what you say are important to successfully influence someone in a new direction.
An individuals beliefs will have a powerful effect on all their decision making. That is because beliefs are directly related to their values and principles. Most of what people say is a belief, and you will become more aware of this as learn how to recognize them when you hear them.
Belief: "Assent to a proposition or affirmation
, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate personal Knowledge. "
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
A belief is a belief precisely because it is not a fact. An individuals beliefs also act as a sort of autopilot decision mechanism. A way to move through the day without having to expend too much energy thinking about choices, when in fact the world is filled with unlimited possibilities. If a someone believes that they are not a risk taker, then going skydiving doesn't even appear to them as an option, even though people sky dive everyday. If a person believes they will never be rich, guess what, it isn't likely to happen that they become rich.
"The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds."-- William James
One of the most powerful tools for changing beliefs is Reframing. It's been asked how does a belief change when belief changing language patterns such as Sleight Of Mouth and Conversational Jujitsu are effectively used?
There is no accurate evidence to precisely measure that. What has been assumed is that the belief tends to become more general and more flexible. From the questioning of the person using reframing patterns the beliefs can be guided. It can also be assumed that the if there is a high degree of transference going on (and high rapport as in a teacher student relationship) that the belief will move closer to that of the person using the persuasion language.
You already understand that these language patterns are a method of creating a new perspective to look at the world around them. This creates new options and the ability to see new opportunities. If thesenew options make sense, or the new opportunity is clearly valid, they will accept it.
At this point, a little motivation to act on the opportunity will be all that is needed. If it is something that will improve their life, that will be all the motivation they need. Moving towards pleasure is a very powerful motivator.
If a person has the "I don't believe I can do this" belief, you know now that this is simply a construct in their mind. It is not a fact, it is not necessarily comprised of any truth, it is just something they believe. Help them to suspend that belief and they will begin to see all the opportunity the world has to offer.
*Author's Bio:
Craig Eubanks is one of the founders of Act Now International LLC Act Now provides success skills for individuals and the business community. Visit our website for our FREE Success Mind
eZine. http://www.actnowllc.com/
# #And a final thought (or two) from another craig ...
Make success your dominant thought. Whatever is your dominant thought will end up happening. So you need to put it "out there" and everything will follow. Lift yourself up to possibilities and let the universe work FOR you.Dare to DECIDE TO SUCCEED... then make daring decisions along the journey.
The path to success is no accident, not a co-incidence - it's a commitment!DECIDE where you want to be in 1,2, 5, 10, 15 and even 20 years time.
Keep on believing in your dream. There are always challenges and knock-backs. Always really BELIEVE that your vision is one day going to come to fruition.
What we see will come to be!
"True success is being the YOU that you really want to be!
Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, empower , uplift, encourage ... and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials.
THIS ARTICLE MAY BE FREELY PUBLISHED (with acknowledgment to the source, thanks)
About the Submitter:In his "life work" of studying the workings of the infinite dimensions of the human mind, Craig hopes to help, encourage, motivate, uplift and perhaps even inspire people to be their best through realising their fullest potentials...and be all that they are capable of being.
The various books that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005GGMAW4 www.creativekiwis.com/index.php/books/74-craigs-bookshttps://www.xinxii .... http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/craiglock + www.lulu.com/craiglock
"The world's smallest and most exclusive bookstore"
Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, empower, uplift, encourage ... and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials.