For years, we have thought that the best and most efficient way to treat acute and chronic pain was with non-invasive pharmacologic management methods. If we experience discomfort, our first instinct is to take pain medication and hope that it will subside. Due to the increasing issues of narcotic addiction , doctors and people suffering in agony are searching for other non-invasive, non-drug management programs to help them control their discomfort. People suffering with pain associated with joints and arthritis , lower or upper back, leg aches, muscles, necks, migraines and other chronic afflictions are willing to try almost anything to help ease their soreness, causing doctors, patients, therapists and scientists to invent new ways to treat their symptoms.

Acupuncture is becoming more popular as people look for new ways to manage their body. Acupuncture involves thin needles that are strategically placed throughout the patient's body in an attempt to free the energy in the body and cause it to flow better, putting both the patient's body and mind in a healthier state. Another popular technique for pain management is a chiropractor. A Chiropractor's main area of concern is the patient's spine as it is believed to be the center of the nervous system. They believe if a person's spine is out of line, they will suffer from distress, and once the spine is corrected and realigned their bodily afflictions will subside.

Some therapists have begun to recommend behavioral modification as a way to manage pain without medication. In behavioral modification, a therapist teaches their patients how to deal with their pain on a psychological level using relaxation techniques. Behavioral Modification believes that if a patient can change their initial thinking and reaction to their pain, they will be able to cope with it in a different way; it is very similar to the thinking "mind over matter."

Currently, the most popular way to handle bodily anguish has become magnets. Something as simple as a magnet can have very powerful results. Scientific studies have proven that not only do magnets relax the capillary walls, creating better blood flow to the affected area, but they interfere with the electrochemical reactions that occur in the nerve cells and stop their ability to send the signals to the brain, to let them know something hurts. These magnets are available as insoles for shoes if people experience aches in their feet, bracelets and rings, bands that can be strapped to painful knees or elbows and individual magnets that can be taped to foreheads for headaches, back for back issues and any other area a person needs relief.

Pain is just a symptom. It is your body's way of letting you know there is a problem and that there is an underlining issue that needs to be treated. As with any pain management program, you should consult your doctor before seeking different options for relief as you do not want to do anything that can cause your pain to worsen.

Author's Bio: 

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.