Hi All,As i write it is a lovely evening in Salem, Oregon. And, not to bring us all down on a lovely Saturday evening, but let's face it folks, the global economy is not in the best shape and it's not going to recover anytime soon. In fact, I would bet (if I was a betting kinda guy) that many reading this likely wish you had MORE to smile about!The Inspired Living App (iLA) can help..... :)

iLA is a First to Market mobile app that is changing lives all over the world. The product is fantastic, the price point is affordable, the opportunity to share is easy, and as I said, people all over the world are helping others by encouraging, inspiring and motivating people to reach new levels of success in life while at the same time generating income...Win Win Win!

What is our product?
For $9.95 a month, you read that right, $9.95 a month or about 33 cents a day, subscribers receive a weekly "featured" Personal Development video delivered right to their mobile device or computer and they also have access the 'vault' which is a treasure trove of videos and writings that provide excellent information on topics like:

Goal setting
Marriage and family
Time management
Personal development
Business development
Leadership development
Wealth building
Financial management
Personal motivation .......and MUCH MORE!

We were the first company to have a compensation plan centered around the billion dollar mobile app industry. The mobile app industry has exploded to the point that almost every age group now has a mobile device be it an iPod, iPad, iPhone, mobile phone, Android....The listgoes on and on. And the application will also work on any computer. And, with a one -click purchase it automatically installs!

Currently iLA offers two applications. The first one is the Personal Development app described above. The second application is being released later this month (May 2013) and is going to really put iLA on the map.' iLA TAX SHIELD is coming within the next two weeks and is going to be HUGE!

Any person who receives a 1099 is going to want iLA Tax Shield as it will will help you keep more of your money in your pocket....Simple. Your 1099 business is worth more than you think. And, iLA Tax Shield can be your "automated tax savings solution."

When you launched your business you unlocked a very important door. That door opens up to significant tax advantages, benefits, and savings you didn’t have as a W2 employee. iLA Tax Shield will help you take full advantage of the tax code which is written primarily for businesses!

Most people don't fully benefit from the myriad of tax advantages for one or more of the following reasons:
• Tracking expenses, mileage, and time can be too tedious
• Not knowing what to track often means tracking nothing
• Procrastination kicks in and you end up overwhelmed at year-end with piles of receipts and stacks of bank statements
• You leave it all up to your tax preparer and hope for a miracle

iLA Tax Shield will eliminate 'tax preparation procrastination.' What is this procrastination costing you? Procrastination and avoidance have a high cost, whether you realize it or not. They can lead to lost deductions, which means lost money.

A recent government study shows that 7 out of 9 tax returns fail to take all of the valuable deductions they're eligible for—and that's with the help of a tax professional! This can mean thousands of dollars a year in overpaid taxes for the average tax payer and/or business owner.

The bottom line: Your tax preparer is only as good as the information you can provide. It’s ultimately up to you to properly track your deductions. iLA Tax Shield is your procrastination-proof tax solution. It helps you maximize all of your tax deductions without the headaches associated with complex bookkeeping, manual tax tracking systems and 'finding the shoebox and envelopes' on April 14th. . It automates your expense tracking by tying it to the swipe of your bank card....Like I said, SIMPLE!

Your Partner in Success,
Gary BittnerExecutive Associate
The Inspired Living App

Author's Bio: 

If we can provide a person hope for change, we can help change 'their world.' This is my passion. As an athlete, coach, mentor my 'life call' is to help people move to new levels of success in their life...And when it happens, it is awesome.