Bipolar Disorder is difficult to treat. People that have been diagnosed with this disorder, do not want to take the medication once they have been regulated with the proper dosage. The reason this happens, is once their body has been treated with the medication properly, they begin to feel as though nothing is wrong and they do not need the medication. This is a symptomatic result from Bipolar due to being regulated on the medication, because it is working! They feel so good, that they feel as though they do not need the medication any longer.

Once they stop taking the meds, their moods begin to spiral out of control as the medication leaves the system. This can lead to severe depression , thoughts or acts of suicide, and it will begin to affect every area of their life. Relationships will suffer, work, education, everything.

Bipolar is a mood disorder that mimics the symptoms of depression or ADHD , just to name two. I can not stress enough how important it is to treat Bipolar or any other mood disorder with the proper medications and pay attention to your friend or loved one that has been diagnosed with Bipolar . If someone you know shows erratic mood swings, feelings of euphoria straight into depression or vice verse, or any other changes in mood that just do not seem right, I urge you to bring this to the attention of a professional!

Bipolar is not a life threatening illness, unless it goes untreated. If untreated for long periods of time, suicide is a very real concern.

For more information on Bipolar Disorder, or other mood disorders,

Bipolar is not a curable disease. However, it is treatable, and those that receive proper treatment are able to function and go on to lead productive lives!

My wish is to bring more attention to the disorder so that others may receive the help and diagnosis they need, sooner. It is traumatic enough to be diagnosed, it is yet even more traumatic to feel all alone. You are not alone.

Author's Bio: 

Michelle C. Lane is a freelance writer and parent of a child, diagnosed at the age of fifteen, with Bipolar Disorder. She is the author of "Bipolar: One Mother's Journey"- due to be released in early 2011.