I woke up late last night to a thud. Then another, and another, and…a foot step? In less than an instant, I was in terror. Here I was in the middle of the woods, alone. Now, mind you, I was in one of the loveliest, straight-out-of-Architectural-Digest homes that my friend, Elizabeth, so graciously allowed me to stay in, and yet I was alone, surrounded by empty vacation homes, trees, foreign noises and wall-to-wall sliding glass doors. By day, it is the most gorgeous place ever, but at night, it became a something like a very scary dream.

“Breathe! Relax!” my right mind screamed, but my ego brain screamed even louder, “You’re gonna DIE and there’s nothing you can do! Someone’s out there!”

I’m laughing as I write this, but last night it was no joke. I knew I heard something. So what does any sane psychic person do when she’s in trouble? She calls her psychic friends, of course! Well, I texted first. Yeah, I might die, but why wake anyone up? Hilarious, right? Janet, my super psychic friend, assured me that I was ok, and when my texts became alarming, “Holy s*#&! Someone’s out there!” she called right away.

She offered protection, love and light and assured me I was ok, but I didn’t believe it. I was stuck in terror. Then I saw it – they had tossed a GLOW STICK on the deck!

“Oh, yeah, someone’s out there, and I’m in huge trouble.”

Janet told me to turn on the deck light, but that would mean getting up and out from under the blanket where I was hiding – so they couldn’t see the glow from my phone. As if they didn’t already know I was there!

“No way!!! Someone’s out there!” My mind, of course, went to the worst possible places. You know what I mean…I’d go to the window and see him, face-to-face...you get the picture. Did I register that it was a GLOW stick. I mean, really, how much harm can come from someone who throws a toy on the deck? Nope. It was deadly serious.

Eventually, I called the police. Two cars showed up along with the nicest cop ever, straight from Mayberry. Despite being called at 1:00 in the morning, despite having seen that it was a hoax played by some local kids, he turned to me as he left and said, “It was really nice to meet you, ma’am.” Not once did he laugh at how silly this really was – kids on Spring break having fun with a city girl who doesn’t get the joke, not in the moment anyway.

Now I get it, and the joke is Divine. I came here, you see, not only because I wanted a bit of a break from the city energy, but also to get a bit closer to my own Source. “Give me a sign! I want to connect even more. Let me know in a whole new way how much you’re there!”

I got the sign – a glow stick – a glowing light, and I know for sure now that the Divine has a glorious sense of humor. By the way, when I first came to this town I had been asking for Source to give me a sign. I hadn’t done this for a while, so I decided to have fun with it. I usually ask for 3 signs, just to make sure. This was what I got, and there were three of them planted on each side of the road, six signs in all. Ain’t life grand!

There are times when we get so caught up in the emotions of the world, things little and big that are going on around us, that we ignore what’s most important – the inner connections and the inner voice that assures us that all is well and that we are grandly, Divinely, cared for, now and always. We are surrounded by angels, archangels and heavenly guides who are always there to assure us that things are okay and to steer us in the direction that we need to go. They help us to follow our hearts and our right minds rather than the crazy messages from the monkey-ego mind. It’s a shame to call it the monkey mind…monkeys in the wild are so much smarter than we humans can be. We forget our divine purpose, our connection to nature, the way in which all of life support us no matter what, and we believe in the messages from the news and fear the sky is falling, but do we search for the Light and the Divine Source of Love amidst all the shaking and quaking of the world?

Do you give yourself enough time to go within and listen? It’s there we find Inner Peace , our personal divine sanctuary and the respite from the heaviness of the world. It is there that we get the messages that assure, reassure and guide us from one divine moment to the next. Yes, sometimes things get to be too much and we call others for a bit of help, and then we get back on track and wake up to a brilliantly sunny new day.

Today is your sunny new day, no matter whether the sun decides to celebrate it with you or not. Your eternal Sun resides within you, now and forever. Give yourself time today to explore, to go within, to walk in nature and feel the presence of all those who are supporting you from one moment to the next. Ask. Ask for a sign – and that it be delivered – gently, unless you really want a WAKE UP call!

Yes, laugh and enjoy life. Find a way to return to your pivotal point of choosing to laugh rather than cry, to release the fear and recognize that you create your own destiny, where fear has no place.

Celebrate this day as if it were the first one you’ve been given to create from a brand new slate. Imagine. Dare to imagine what this day would be like if it were given you straight from Source. What would you do? Where would you be? And will you allow yourself to simply BE and feel the love that resides within your heart – for you, for your life, for deciding to give yourself a brand new moment where joy has a place, where it fills up the space within your heart and spreads to all of you, inside and out.

I got the message loud and clear. Life can be so overwhelmingly serious. Do we need to make it more so? Do we need to take things so seriously and allow ourselves to get so scared that we watch the shadows we create rather than our light that created them?

What is your destiny? Dare yourself to find it, rather, to allow it, to allow the Divine to whisper in your ear and tell you the Truth of who you are – a brilliant, shining, glowing ember of love. Dare to laugh in the face of that which used to scare you and then watch as the Divine delivers the follow up message and reminds you to live brilliantly and boldly…and with a few laughs here and there.

Wishing you Peace , Love, Light and Joy,

Kristin Ecklund
Spiritual Healer, Teacher and Channel
Healing Through Awareness and Energetic Transformation

Author's Bio: 

Kristin is a natural and professionally trained Spiritual Healer and Teacher. Kristin helps her clients heal, discover their own psychic abilities and find their way to happier, healthier lives.

Kristin attunes to very subtle places that go beyond conscious awareness. She works with Master Level guides who facilitate healing and provide guidance for you along the way. These insights are stunningly beautiful and very, very accurate.

Kristin facilitates healing in a such a way that you naturally and easily release old, even ancient programs, beliefs, limitations and wounds that have kept you limited -- unhappy, lacking, fearful, uncertain, dissatisfied, repeating old patterns and more. You achieve healing that goes far beyond any mental processing or analytical understanding, because we go to the root of the energetic and mind map holds.