Do you have as much money as you’d like coming in? Are you surrounded by abundance ? Does your whole financial life sing and soar?
Well, maybe you need to attend to some spiritual principles. Whether you agree or not, you are subject to the same spiritual laws as everyone else. When you align with those laws, your financial life will prosper. If you don’t follow those laws, whether your being out of alignment is conscious or accidental, then your financial blessings are blocked.
So what are these spiritual laws? There are four big ones according to Edwene Gaines, author of The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity :
1. Tithing
2. Forgiveness
3. Passion
4. Planning
(There is an article on each topic, but in this article, we’ll just do a quick overview.)
What is tithing? It’s giving 10% of any money you receive back to God. It was originally given in kind to support the priests at the temple, who were praying for the whole nation and everyone in it. With the rise of the Church, tithing became enforced by law to keep the church and its hierarchy going. These days, we tithe to the individuals or organizations who provide us with spiritual nourishment: those who help us learn about spirit, or remind us of who we are.
Why tithe? Firstly, because it’s spiritual law. Secondly, because it tells the universe that you trust abundance is coming to you. Tithing opens the valve controlling the flow into your life. It’s a way of giving thanks to God, and we all know that gratitude is a great way to encourage more and larger gifts. In my experience, steady tithing automatically brings an equally steady increase in the money flowing into my life. If a client doesn’t have financial flow, tithing is the first thing I recommend.
What about forgiveness? Well, you probably know that forgiveness is more about you than the person you are hurt by or annoyed at. Unforgiveness is like poking yourself in the eye and wondering why it doesn’t hurt the person you’re not forgiving. The problem is that while you are stuck in unforgiveness, you are blocking the flow of prosperity and blessing in your life. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean that you give them permission to hurt or abuse you; it just means that you aren’t spending any more of your precious time and energy focused on feeling hurt, indignant or wronged.
Start by forgiving everyone you have ever put outside your heart, no matter what the reason. Treat each chunk of unforgiveness like a potato that you are carrying around in a plastic bag. After a week or so, those potatoes are going to be rotting and smelling pretty awful, right? So throw them out! Throw them through the nearest door or window right now! With sound effects! (Actions engage your right brain and sounds engage your left brain, so you want to do actions and sounds together in order to utilise both sides of your brain.)
It’s easiest to begin by forgiving everyone in your past, in your family , and at work. Forgive God (or your concept of God) for hurting, ignoring, or abandoning you; forgive yourself for any hurts you have caused to another, or any self-sabotage in your own life. Throw out those rotten potatoes every day, and see how much lighter you feel!
The third law is PASSION! What are you passionate about? What fills you with focus, joy and excitement? That is a great indicator of what you are here to do on this planet. We each have a specific assignment; there is something only you can do within the overall assignment of the human race to recreate heaven on earth. Obviously, you are going to have the best and most excellent life if you follow your divine blueprint. The way to figure that out is by following your passions. You don’t have to explain them, justify them, or explain them to anyone else: your passions are sufficient in themselves.
The final law is about planning. Most people don’t get their assignments completed because they don’t plan or follow through on their plans. The universe does everything with precision and order; the more we can do that also, the more easily and completely we create what we desire in our lives. Planning involves focusing on what you want, thinking about it, talking about it, feeling your way into it, imagining the presence of that goal in your life, and leaning into the results of that goal.
Planning is identifying what you desire, and committing to the steps required to get you there. If you had endless time and money, what would you be doing with your life? If you were to project yourself into the future, what would you want to be doing in two years? Or five years? Or ten years? Or by the end of your life? Write down the twelve desires closest to your heart right now; make sure they are positive, and that you affirm them in the Now (as in, “I am now snowboarding in Alaska”, rather than “I will be skiing in Alaska.”) Write your desires down, organize them by the most important to you at this moment, and assign a date by which you will receive or achieve that dream. In my world, we say that “a goal is a dream with a date”. Setting dates for each dream tells the universe that you are serious about accomplishing your goals – and enjoying them.
As each goal comes to fruition, mark it off your list, and add in new dreams as they occur to you. Each time a dream comes true, it makes more of a track in your energy field, and it makes it easier to create the next goal, and the next, and the next.
So there you have it: tithing, forgiveness, passion and planning. Try those four spiritual laws for three months, and see how quickly your prosperity improves!
Dr. Kyre Adept is a human programming and integration coach. Her practice ART of Integration helps high-flyers all over the world create their delicious lives. Find out how human reprogramming can help you soar! Sign up now for your consultation at .